
Ah yes, the bisexual woman is an MRA because she disagrees with your blatant hypocrisy.

I don't agree that size preferences are purely psychological, but I think certainly that our cultural ideas about penis size influence those preferences, just as certainly as cultural ideas influence men's preferences re: pubic hair, labia size/droopiness, etc.

Ok, then I will amend the one sentence for which your sex makes any difference:

You don't understand that if I, as a bisexual woman, am not sexually stimulated enough by the appearance of my partner (male or female) to escalate (or outright turned off), that the sexual encounter dies just as immediately as if I were with a man who couldn't get it up or stimulate me because of penis size?

Oh, honey, hush.

It's not really a false equivalence though, as it comes down to preference in a partner's genitals. There are many, many, maaaaaaaaaaany articles on this site holding up the notion that 'all vaginas are beautiful' and 'oppressive cultural ideas of beauty that make women hate their vaginas' yada yada.

I'm sorry you have an ugly vagina. :(

And no, there's nothing weird about liking big. We're allowed to have preferences. We're also allowed to discuss these preferences, as long as we don't shit on what we don't like.

But this is the same site where women admonish people for their preferences for vaginas without unappealing hanging labia.

"And OF COURSE people on friggin' Jezebel are gonna tease any guy on here who is freaking out about dick size. It's too tempting not to!"

But sex is a holistic experience.

If you're all up for grading men on their dicks, then why do you whine about how women are judged and mocked for their physical qualities in the same comment.

You seem anxious. Do you have gross droopy labia and/or small tits?

It's an interesting idea, though I think there's more to femininity than simply 'tasks that women used to do'.

But your argument is primarily just supposition, because the only console/company that basically went all-in on trying to woo people outside the traditional 'core' gamer suffered for it long-term because the audience proved fickle and motivated by price and accessibility over all else.

Ok, but doesn't this go back to the point you were making about Star Wars? If these are the games and the ideas and the visions that the developers have, would you rather a publisher stepped in and said 'there are a lot of women out there, you should change your vision to make them happy' based on market research?

Yes, you do have the right to treat them that way.

My argument is that the traditional gaming market is made up of men because that's who HAS been the market. That's what I meant by "circle-jerk" Boys buy games. Boys play games. Boys make games. The games that are made are made for other boys. The statistics show the same thing.


I never said that market was entirely female. It happens to be majority female, as the stats regarding who plays social and mobile games show, but there are plenty of older, younger people in there too, of both sexes.