Jock culture is awesome. :)
Jock culture is awesome. :)
Ok, but a lot of the theories and ideas they base that stuff on isn't untrue. Much of it is based on observing trends in behaviors and those behaviors that predictably evoke the desired responses, even if the behavior that evokes the response is counter-intuitive (ie subconscious, primal, not what we would consciously…
Population gaps between the genders always negatively impact women.
The first season is a show for anybody. Honestly one of the best seasons of television.
Sorry, Neptune.
It's true. Nothing less sexually appealing than a nice guy. Too safe, secure, boring, and easy to exploit for rewardless ego-boosts and emotional support.
I meant your objection to sports is silly.
How silly.
Yep. Sexy, over-confident, semi-socipathic bad boys for me.
It's fantastic and fun and brings people together. :)
I did read the article and I found it lacking. I found the thesis relied more on generalization and anecdote than real data.
It's also the fastest growing area of psychology, with increasing amounts of funding.
Well, I'll give her one thing. She cited the hell out of every claim she made and every theory she was building off of.
Fair enough.
Very well. If you believe 147 people is enough to prove the point so be it.
Follow the links far enough, and you'll get to the actual study cited:
Ah yes, the 'you're a liar and a fake' strategy for those with no actual argument.
Yeah, cause your odds of getting a hot woman definitely aren't impacted at all by being a star football player in a big football market.
No, many hook-ups. :D
I disagree.