Damn. Alec got an upgrade.
Damn. Alec got an upgrade.
older men/younger women relationships usually make me feel queazy
Whatever. It's pretty clear that there's nothing sexist about my comment. The fact that you don't agree with the notion that there are women out there that fall in line with what I and the original poster have witnessed as entitled selection of 'equality', doesn't render it sexist.
It seems that basically any man that dares to be unapologetic about their sexual thoughts and gives tongue-in-cheek answers regarding anything related to sex or gender interaction is officially on the 'hit list'.
You're taking a lot of obviously tongue-in-cheek comments remarkably seriously...
Where did I make the gender essentialist argument that all women are inherently like this by nature?
How so?
If his problem is allowing him to attract and gain commitment from three quality women, I think it's probably a problem he can live with.
I'll try and dig around for the article, but there was a piece in a magazine (may have been a paper) just RAILING on this show for glamorizing and trivializing men's choice to leave older wives for younger, hotter women.
But, word up, if your man is consistently leaving you in the dust, then maybe FUCK YOU and GOODBYE.
The girlfriend quoted in the article is inarticulate and crude, but I wouldn't be shocked if she was right.
Yeah, I know a lot of guys who were like that with boobs.
Here in California it's used all the time. Hell, Ryan Gosling even spoke the line in a [terrible] movie at the height of the phrase's popularity.
Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye! :D
Well I'm a woman, first of all, and second of all my dad was a great male role model and continues to be. :)
"She spreads like peanut butter" is a pretty common colloquialism.
No, it's generally defined by quality.
Students have the right to go straight to the cops for any criminal act. Many don't because the burden of proof for expulsion is much lower than the burden of proof in criminal court, and also less public.
Because there's less burden of proof necessary for expulsion than there is for jail time.
Only tangentially related, but I'd love to hear what Jezebel has to say about this amazing piece of investigative reporting on the Jamie Leigh Jones rape controversy. It's by a reporter from Mother Jones, who really does a great job explaining how this woman lied about rape, and how the cultural context caused a lot…