
There's nothing really that disqualifies a spiritual person from appreciating attractiveness in others.

Oh my. What a beta. :(

Ok, but Scandal lacks interesting people.

Moral ambiguity of the characters and legitimate consequence for their actions beyond 'OMG, now they're sleeping with somebody DIFFERENT!'

Yeah, I get that, but the show doesn't say converting to islam is in, of itself, a danger. It's the fact that he was captured by militant radical Islamists, not the kindly islamist who runs the neighborhood mosque.

Wut? Seriously?

Homeland was the far superior show until they somehow got the idea that people wanted a romance with tinges of subterfuge instead of subterfuge with tinges of romance.

Depending on when they immigrated, it was probably for the best.

Seems fair.

Mary Anne Franks.... that name sounds familiar.

To be fair, it's not that hard to find a woman to make you sandwiches. Just look at the guy who got that woman to make him 300. Just offer marriage and some women are all over that shit.

Or just a continuation of the appeal of big special-effects movies?

Too bad they completely undercut the entire message by making light of prison rape in the same damn song.

No, I don't think the joke is insulting or humiliating.

Ok. I disagree.

It would be were there still not an incredibly lop-sided expectation for men to do the approaching and asking out.

Uh, I can't really fault a family with the means for relocating to a neighborhood that is cleaner, safer, has better schools and more amenities...

The friend of the first letter-writer sounds like a Nice Guy. She feels entitled to a man well out of her league by virtue of what? Cause she's such a special snowflake?

The friend apparently says shes tired of living the ugly life, and is trying to court men that are out of her reach. Nowhere in the letter does it say that she has come anywhere close to success in this pursuit, and as her friend, she has to deal with the self-loathing and sadness, even if it's not expressed through

The fact that the letter writer says 'tries' implies that while her friend tries to score hot guys, she fails and gets rejected. That is, she's alone (and presumably trying to change that), and but rather than being realistic about the quality of men she has the assets to attract, she shoots for the stars and gets