
Which is kind of stupid.

The fact that long-term and permanent alimony is even a thing that exists on planet earth is really sad.

Ok, so it's a video dating service for the new age.


They pretty much always think it's a man's job to pay. Part of being a 'real man' (which of course, is hilarious bullshit, as though it's the job of women to define manhood for men).

In the future, you should probably just tell the women yelling at the men to give up their seats to stop whining like spoiled brats.

I always joke with my girlfriends that if they expect a man to pay for a date, then they shouldn't complain about him being paid an extra 30 cents per dollar for doing the same work. Where do they think the money is going?

Fantastic comment.

1) Why would they be sad about this? The whole 'doing it for breast cancer' was nothing more than a cute cover/rationale for motorboating boobs. All this does in ensure they get to keep the money. They motorboated boobs and made $3000. That's win win in my book.

A tad melodramatic, no?

Some people are willing to suffer for beauty and sex appeal.

I'm a woman and I think women look stunning in high heels, handcuffs and ballgags.

Well, getting to rock awesome sky-high heels is one of the perks of having two X chromosomes.

It's true, people don't have the time or the energy to analyze and evaluate every single attitude and behavior cue that people they see are giving off. There's just way too much information coming at us in the world for us to analyze every little detail of every unique individual in passing (which is typically when

Uh no, there are such things as 'bad girls' and 'bad women'. Granted sexual != bad.

I don't really have a problem with it.