
Sure, we may have gotten snubbed on the speed-block livery, but at least Yamaha gave us the nod for the XSR700-

... Oh. Right.

It is the Mona Lisa of auto sports cheating.

“Lost the service records”

That would be me, indeed. Been on a European trip for the last year....ride report link up at Enjoy!

Sean, just wanted to put this out there. If you're too busy doing you know stuff...I'd be willing to sacrifice my time to go out to Spain and report back on this for you. Just trying to spread a little motorcycle goodwill :)

I tell anyone new to motorcycles that there will come a time when you start laughing uncontrollably inside your helmet. A private joy that is just you and the moment. Coming around a corner upon a beautiful landscape, executing a downshift>turn>exit perfectly, or a girl on the back holding on extra tight. Those

Fuck it. I’m going bankrupt this year on two-wheeled toys.

You just know that he beat on it.

Hello mudda,
hello fadda,
I am driving,
a Ford Granada.

As an owner of an HHR SS yes I did. I was coming from a 2 seater pickup truck and wanted something with a back seat, 4 doors, was good on gas, had some room to haul some things, and was also sporty and had some pickup. The HHR SS fit all those requirements. With the GM Stage kit installed I get nearly 300HP but still

Peter Horbury did some of his best work on the P2 Volvo S60. These still look great today. Volvos in general are some of the most timeless cars on the road.

Indeed. New wing for Spa. Saw it on r/formula1 yesterday.

Paul will be in a great deal of pain, certainly, but not nearly as much as anyone willingly watching a Redskins-Browns preseason game.

Days after buying...

I think a footnote is in order for WYTS 2015 Jets edition.

before I was born, my father had an offer for an academic full ride to UCLA, or a hockey scholarship to Ohio U.....Being Canadian, he picked OU, where he met my mom—subsequently marrying her and moving to her home town of... Cleveland.