
Simply stated this should be a resounding nice price win to round out my work week.

Normally, rarity and obscurity are a Jalop recipe for success, in this case the recipe will also include welding and possible custom fabrication as replacement parts will likely be non-existent. so the verdict is Make like Jordan Belfort, hit that Crack Pipe and RUN like lions and tigers!

Its a project, but with a good price. Restore the shit out of this thing, use that big boot when I drive it to the golf course on nice days only and watch everyone else try and figure out what kind of rare exotic mi driving...mfw its a volvo.

I saw an ELR in the wild on Saturday. In my amazement of making a car real, because as we learned last week a car inst real until you spot it in the wild, I stopped and stared at it in a hung over, crazy hair, bleary eyed stupor, holding a cup off coffee. The owner assumed I was going to mug him when he got out and

Meh....I could go either way on this. I NP’d it solely because I CP’d everything else this week so far.

I imagine this was the press release for this thing: “New for 1965, Chevrolet is PROUD to present the “ Rape Van”. We felt that the market for the discerning buyer who has a strong desire to lure children to the abandoned warehouse he has elegantly decorated in the latest torture dungeon chic, was being under-served.

COTA is pretty long and technical. Nothing is ever going to be able to replace The Ring

Its beautiful, truly and honestly a wonderful piece of engineering and aesthetics. That being said, there are A LOT of cars just a pretty, just as rare and that will almost guarantee and appreciation in value that can be had for 100k or less (this 930 Turbo Carrera comes to mind…)

I mean....well....what in the actual fuck. Good luck Travis, you’ll be missed.

you have some bad luck tim

NP/CP is part of my morning ritual. I didn’t even bother reading today as soon as I saw this failed lobotomy of a vehicle. You couldn’t even pay me to drive this once, let alone own it and drive it any other time.

2K and id give it a NP. 7k? far away and never look back

Brand Spanking New 2015 civic, all the bells and whisltes a 16/17/18 year old could want and need. Warranty coverage. In theory will run strong well into the college/post college im too broke to buy another car yet years, and first hand knowledge, they hold up well in a rear end collison

I had a harder time hitting the pipe of cracks this morning because its a clean looking, seemingly well done mod that the quote the great warrior poet Johhny Tran “Somebody put in the wrench time” with there own blood, sweat and beers...errr....i mean tears. Its just too much, 10-12k I might have gone the other way.

Im an F1 fan, and Monaco is always exciting because of the history and the pageantry but due to the tightness of the circuit I feel as though the driver who gets Pole has almost an unfair advantage, what do you think?

Or I could buy this ‘86 with similar mileage for half the price....just saying

i could give a dam about the name so long as I see those 3, testing cards and generally doing what they do together again.

1979 Lotus Eclat Automatic- “It featured twin brake pedals (for left foot braking), with an electronically activated clutch controlled by a button atop the gear selector.” Low miles with plenty of $$ to spare, so rare no-one will even know what youre driving plus all the documentation you could hope for.

I really want a 996 Turbo(yeah I really do..sue me!), does that mean I can sell my wife’s 2010 Cobalt for like $25k? Its only got 88,000 miles and none of that factory nonsense like power windows, door locks or ABS(can you say weight reduction!). Only marginal dog stains but the car will come fully detailed! anyone?

So much no. Alex87f got it right, you sounds like a bullshiter and so am I and in the immortal worda of Rod Farva, you cant shit a shitter.