
Can Find PLENTY of 100k mile Police Interceptors with slightly more power for around 2-3 Grand less. Hit this thing with the CP stick hard.

My wife and I leased a 2015 Chevy Equinox, not my first choice.....but happy wife, happy life. The sales guy was fine as far as car dealers go. We got a price we thought was fair and a monthly payment right where our budget allows. Having just got married we figured, new car with a full warranty that the dealership

Done by a reputable shop, not some Hodge podge pile throw together in his own garage using youtube and fairy dust but its still a 318 and beauty and price are in the eye of the beholder. I hesitantly give it a CP, if the asking were sub 11K i think it would be NP all day.

just no words, simply

As a Porsche aficionado it pains me to give this thing a CP, but its too much. Doesn't this guy read Jalopnik? Doesn't he know that aftermarket mods and paint REDUCE a cars value? Clearly not.

My Father was a car guy and I idolized my father. Though we didn't have much money growing up I'm pretty sure he purposely bought cars he knew he'd need to tinker with Audi 100 Wagon, dastun 280z, we eve had a Peugeot Wagon. I was 9 years old when I saw my first 911 and i caught the fever immediately. That year my dad

I had a hard time hitting it with the CP stick but did it all the same. With a price that high id like to see slightly less mileage and zero rust. 9k and this is NP all day.

My first car was a Navy on Navy 240dl sedan. Slow as hell. Had a sweet as hell hand crack sun roof though so that made it the bees knees! As User: Nate with shorter name stated though they are maddeningly slow nor is it very good on gas because you have to keep the throttle wide open to keep it at highway speed to

How bout a V8 Porsche? The real upside is you get to tell people you drive a Porsche and watch them turn chartreuse with envy!

There's no prestige in owning a Caddy any more. In a country so driven by appearance, keeping up with the jones' and "i made this much money this year"(not saying im not guilty of doing the same thing) there is no glamour in telling people you drive a CTS. Unless your a CAR GUY(or gal) and drive a CTS V or V-Wagon

I didnt read all the comments and im way late to this party but there is really no reason your next car cant be a 2007 Audi RS4. It checks all the boxes. good looking, good noise, great fun, and under 50k.

I bet the interior is still made of stiff, uncomfortable seats you slide around on. The dash is probably still made of plastic and will just have an overall cheap and unfinished feel to them.

30K? hell no! if it were half the price id be on this like white on rice on a paper plate in a glass of milk in the middle of a snow storm.