
So, Rosario Dawson being 1/4 black, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Native American, and 1/4 Cuban(which we'll count as Spanish) makes her Latina?

Scott is a piece of work, but why would Democrats nominate Charlie Crist, the epitome of a craven career politician? Remember, he was a Republican until he lost the Senate nomination to Marco Rubio—-then he was suddenly an Independent, now he's a Democrat simply because Independents don't have ballot access in FL

No, Bose doesn't sound like shit. They sound like Bose—-it's a very synthetic, hyper-clean sound. I would be totally happy listening to Bose products. They just don't sound as good to my ear as other options, like Grado...

Well, Beats were actually designed by Monster Cable, then Dre and Jimmy Iovine basically screwed Monster out of their rights to the product.

That's a very bad thing. Bears should have a fear of being around people.

Gotta hand it to rednecks.

It could always be removed. The album was in the cloud or in your "purchased" list. Once imported to iTunes library, it was as removable as any other CD.

The weight issue among the poor is more accurately attributed to people eating the cheapest food that has the most calories. They want to get the most energy for their dollar.

Yet I've been approached MULTIPLE times by people who wanted to trade me $20 on their EBT card for a pack of cigarettes. I've also known people who use their EBT card to buy steaks and crab.

Still safer than living in Africa....

If Russia was offering you outstanding athletic training and access to hot Russian chicks, why not go?

Because Russia is still a better place to live than some Ebola and tribal warfare riddled African nation? Running water, paved streets, no cannibalism?

So, some white people wear a shirt and you're beside yourself with anger.

This isn't "rape culture". This is ghetto culture.

And how were you treated by your classmates? Were they warm and friendly to you?

Sure, because it's not like every town, city, or nation which is majority black anywhere in the world isn't beset with poverty, crime, and violence.

Ha, no. But I guarantee you he's built sets when others would have just CGI'd the whole thing.

It's good he's a technophobe. Nolan uses practical effects when others would use CGI. Remember the hospital explosion in TDK? He actually blew up a building. He actually flipped a truck.

Katy Perry chugged a beer in a college bar on game day. Amanda Bynes lit a fire in a stranger's driveway. Miley Cyrus rubs her vagina in concert.

I suppose you can give thanks to Obama on that one. "Scary black rifle" sales were through the roof with him in office, and everybody wanted the tacticool Magpul stuff. They didn't make their money on military and cop sales, they made it on mall ninjas.