Did you also read that TB is extremely common in Central and South America?
Did you also read that TB is extremely common in Central and South America?
Moronic? No, how about LOGICAL.
Or, you know, you could stifle your nonsense and research some facts...
Negligence, as in the hospital hired an illegal alien who had TB.
No, it's more likely that a hospital in Texas hired an illegal alien worker who carried TB.
So a person sees two people fucking in a car in broad daylight WITH THE DOOR OPEN and calls the police——and that's "probably motivated by race"?
Yet the tone of the article is NOT that the police were called for a justifiable reason.
And it will be released with her consent. Vivid's not releasing a video without a signed model release.
The video will be released, with Iggy's consent, and she'll make millions. No sex tape has ever been released without a model consent. Celebs who say their tapes were released without their consent are lying.
Then I suggest you get players to agree to a pay cut. Families used to be able to afford pro sporting events——then players started getting 100 million dollar contracts.
So, looking at Atlanta's high black crime rate and deciding NOT to take one's family to an area where crime is more likely is bigotry?
You mean assaulting a police officer and trying to steal his gun doesn't warrant getting shot by the police?
Or maybe because knowing his character is important to combat the deification of St Swisher of Sweets the media has perpetrated.
SHUT THE FUCK UP. That man ran at cops with a knife while shouting "SHOOT ME".
Or, you know, the people who have saved more African lives than any others.
And there's a witness, who, on video, related that Mike Brown charged the officer and kept coming despite being shot at.
Pretty sure the Bundy Ranch incident didn't result in burning stores and looting.
You mean besides assaulting an officer? You don't believe the unbelievable bullshit his criminal buddy spouted about Wilson reaching out of the window and trying to pull a giant man INTO THE WINDOW OF HIS CAR, do you?
Prove what you wrote.
On what charges? The grand jury has just convened.