
One of the things that has always confused me about the sport is pay drivers V payed drivers. On this list it appears everyone(save the newcomer) are “paid” a salary but from other things I have read, more than a few of these drivers pay the team for there seat.

This guys is on drugs.

Really, really beat Bronco’s go for upward of $4500. Doubling the money for a real clean, really well sorted example is NP all day.

So if he didn’t MEAN for Bannon to be on the NSC does that mean hes going to remove him?

What the fuck dude?!?

To quote The Simpsons “Well it wont bring much cash, but the sentimental value is through the roof!”


bahahahahahaha.....that is all

I have an affinity for these cars but even with it being a meth i saying that right?...yeah anyway, even with that this is way overpriced. A very decent example with similar mileage, that granted needed paint, with all of the major work done including timing belt, pulleys and suspension just went on BAT for

They Buick Regal is an option for a company car at my job. Im suddenly not so depressed by that option anymore.

Stopped reading at rotary...

Will mildly shocking for a driver from the best team, with the best car who just won the championship to just walk away. If I were him, I wouldn’t want to deal with Lewis anymore either.

stopped reading at lambo doors

i just dont care anymore

Surcharged Ford Pick Up?

Who still uses a blackberry?

This is everything I should like. Everything I stand for! I still have to vote CP. Its a damn shame too...

They tried to make me go to rehab i said NO, NO, NO!

If the IMS bearing hasnt grenaded yet either A) It will not self destruct at the end of this message or B) Was already replaced.

My wife, who couldn’t care less about cars, thinks its absurd that every other vehicle on the road is a CR-V or Rav4. She’s even made a “fun” game out of it. “Oh look hun a CR-V can you believe it?”. I just grip the wheel tighter and smile.