
Hmmmm. That makes me think... where did you get the nickname Gaseous Clay? :)

Yep. Now that they have their Driver Screening Process all worked out... investing in Autonomous driving is obviously the next logical step.

If Jaun had Juan qualifying run and hit some garbage on that Juan would Juan want another Jaun?

Last time I made a negative statement about helicopters in general. Then a photag’ chimed in with support for the helicopter and owner / operator... boy did I feel like an ass. I’ll go with a rally car that has a functional prop mounted to its roof this time... that’s the best I can do :(

Yeh. I didn’t hear there were any issues with the car either. Maybe he was texting, idk. I believe that was his last year in NASCAR. Great driver. Never made it work in NASCAR. F1, Indy, but not NASCAR - go figure.

Good Jaun. I’d say COTD if their were more racing Jalops. Made me chuckle.

Yeh. Anybody able to drive one of the most advanced cars on earth at 220 mph+ around a turn and not cram it into the wall. I understand your point but still, imho, a genuinely inspiring feat nonetheless.

Extremely inspiring, from both perspectives - little bros working his way through / big bros leaving a lasting impression. Both worthy aspirations. Hopefully we can all remember this example when presented with persevering or taking the easy way out... Go Wilsons.

I freakin Loved it so much I had to pull over and park just to get a good listen. I’m all for Millenials and their music... it just fits my personality. I don’t know why?

Hello. Thank you for calling the Department of Redundancy Department. Unfortunately our records show you’ve only stated your point once please state your point one more time or we will be unable to process your claim.

Unfortunately I’m not sure this will ever happen. It appears when we are presented with horsepower we revert to the same character as when there is an attractive women in the room... we turn into complete idiots. It gets better with age but unfortunately it seems we never out grow it. It’s just one of the joys of

Interesting the video shows the lead car staring to move after the trailing car is in position, not at all my point.

Honestly I don’t think I have an ego problem. IDK. I don’t get that response from the people in my life or have I throughout my career. I do like to challenge people who who throw insults at others simply for disagreeing with them. I don’t know why it just triggers something in me. Not in a bad way, just on principle.

Now playing

A passing car impacting the side of a leading and it being the passing cars fault... laughable LOL. This actually can and does occur. Based on your rule interpretation, the trailing car can do what it wants once in position, and your laughable scenario... hey Jenson. What were you thinking?!? Ve ttel clearly had

Well. Thanks for all that. I’ve checked with my lovely wife, children, co workers (some have read Mr. Pewpsticks posts heres and in other discussions) they seem to have differing opinions on whose the “Asshole.” Hint its not me... but thats not for debate hete. I’ll also add that it can’t be both a racing incident and

You pushed the debate into everything other than what it was... to the point where it was about my logic skills and whatever else you could drudge up to change the focus. I’m familiar with these tactics, they’re distracting and only drag things out.

I’m not sure I equated anyhing to or with ego. I do believe your more bent on being right than objectively evaluating what occured. All things considered, there doesn’t need to be a hypothesis test, that has already been done - the results speak for themselves. The stewards have also ruled - the results speak for

Well stated. With Silicon valley boys invading on Detroit’s turf makes me wonder what it would be like if Detroit started making cell phones just to prove they can tech. The American Automobile is the most used and abused item item, maybe in history. So many don’t perform routine maintenance just jump in crank the