
Sometimes when I listen to rap I think I’m an extraterrestrial on someone else’s planet. Maybe we should add 1 to the equation. IDK?

Does he have musical talent? I’m not sure he plays a musical instrument? IDK. I’ve never heard him. Most now a days sequence some sounds on a computer an make up rhymes about vulgar stuff or how much cooler they are than everyone else...

McTesla?!? But but but... I like controlled explosions powering my engine’s :(

I Love your passion. I really do. I hope you’re not offended, I enjoy learning others perspectives. If I were to address the rule and what it says it doesn’t mention stopping a move after its made. In accordance with what’s stated Rosberg was allowed to make one move and use the entire track. His move was to change

Of all those amazing pics of exquisite automobiles all you notice is a reflection and some people on their cell phones; of which you make an immature comment about?!? Are you on the right website? C’Mon man! Get it together. Stop looking for the spec in a diamond - the pics are priceless. And the people on cell

This is so classic. Thanks for linking. I mean in all honesty they behaved pretty imaturely. But what do you expect. They’re all competitive and world class drivers wanting to win. Me, I would have followed team orders, that’s my personality, but you can’t blame Vettel for ignoring that request. You also can’t blame

I think so? But I haven’t seen pictures of his wife on social media so I’m not sure.

Because he is Placido Domingo I think we should give him a pass. Because it was his 1st race win I think Max should give him a pass.

If you read this correctly, not trying to interpret what we think it means:

I agree on the world championships, that’s very true. I do like my lifestyle more than Hamilton’s though... I’m #blessed. And, it didn’t work out so well for Hamilton yesterday did it... I guess that means it wasn’t a good decision. I take that approach in my life. Blaming others really doesn’t help one to improve,

AT THAT POINT?!? Given the angle of both cars and their position on track, same result would occur. You realize Hamilton’s tyre is on the paint already and both cars are still turning / angled to continue that trajectory. Nico registering Hamilton’s front wing is even with his rear tyre at this very point means; he

Show me a pic where Lewis had enough room to make it by when his front wing was alongside Rosberg’s wheel. The only way by was with his right tyre in the grass, which is what he did.

That’s if the car is passing, not if it’s behind you. If the car is behind you take whatever line you like. Lewis’ front right was in the grass before his left front was even with Rosberg’s right rear tyre. The door was closed, Hamilton was behind. All in all they both made extremely aggressive moves and came

Front wheel to rear wheel is the key. Not front wing to rear wheel. I do think Nick was driving poorly but did make a consistent move to the inside and beat Hamilton to the spot. He’s also not the one who put his tyre in the grass and lost controll of his car. I think there is equal responsibility here. I think

Sour grapes? I think so. Or... Dr. Red Bull laughing all the way to the bank - put a young driver in his car. Help him win. Score points with Millenials. Millenials see him as a representative for their “brand.” Millenials line up in droves to buy Red Bull drinks and support Red Bulls adventure sports brand. Ka’ching

Now playing

Best analysis I’ve seen linked below. I may be more inclined to agree with you. Based on this Nico was obviously “bumbling” around. I didn’t see a chop and Lewis’s tyre was definitely in the grass prior to pulling even with Nico’s rear wheel. But Nico was no doubt unable to pay attention to his surroundings.

Lewis is definitely one of the greats. I don’t know that there’s much for either side to yield. Two good drivers vying for the same spot on track. I didn’t think there was a chop. I’d agree he gave him no room but I’d have to watch again to look for the chop.

Ahhhh... the kid factor. They’re worth it though. F1 day though, I think you should be allowed to take over. It was a good race though. Definitely worth watching.

I was just happy to graduate high school at 18... I feel like such a slacker.

I stay away from media when this is the case. Can’t go to an auto website and not think you’ll see race results. I know the feeling though. It’s happened to me before, that’s why I stay of sports news and websites till after I watch.