
More a racing incident than anything. If someone is more at fault it’s Lewis, just my observation. Nico was more inside and started his move further inside prior to Lewis making his move inside. Even at that drivers are allowed one move to block a pass, Nico made exactly that, one move. Lewis wasn’t anywhere near

He was a young kid in a world full of politics and back handed deals. I’m the last person to give someone the victim card. I hate the victim excuse. But he was young, naive, and Romanced into believing it would help the team and his career. We all learn the hard way sometimes.

Thanks for braving the weather. I guess it is true what they say, a rainy day in a Ferrari Garage is better than any day in a McLaren garage :) PS: mind taking my picture in front of the F12TDF? I know you’re filming and all but...

I’m obviously a big fan. I try not to rank drivers from different eras. Tech and approach to Racing are to different. The drivers are what they are. If they were great in the era they were in then I believe they were indeed a great driver. Champions and competitors rise to the occasion, raise their game, to compete.

If only Ford had designed and built the car for drivers. Nope they didn’t; they built the GT for themselves. Just to win LeMans on the GT’s win anniversary. Just to improve brand image. Just to push the perception of Ford. Hence production cost is high, they’ll lose money, so they’ll make just enough to be eligible

Jealous... so jealous...

Thanks for the info sir. Keep your head in the game and be true to yourself. The most difficult thing to learn in Corporate America is communicating your ideas, especially when they are from an opposite vision / perspective. Learning to understand how to do that in a team and earning the team’s trust is key. A room

C’mon. My first thought was, this was thought up by some millennial. Don’t wreck my stereotype... in all seriousness though. I’ve wanted the Cruz to be good for so long. But, it’s still not, which makes me sad. Now I see they’re spending money on the WIFI?!? I hate the tech trend. I don’t want to drive a iPhone. I

I’m Bob Lutz and I approve this message... now where was I? Oh. V8 Fisker Karmas anyone?

Now playing

Heh man. The thing changes too. Trucks can’t do that! Given inflation though the new add will have to be, change for a $1.30+ or so. Let’s see a truck do all that for a $1.30 :)

I guess blipshift will have to change this: “Do you even Lift... Eh. If it’s a 2017 RSR go ahead; find the middle engine ground."

We need an electrician quick... I believe her circuit breakers have popped.

It’s a Jeep thing. The water just doesn’t understand...

Sad to hear. Remember a special years ago documenting his efforts. He had a unique idea using multiple camshafts rotating in opposite directions to neutralize the torque generated by rotation for and hence balance rider lean in effort in each direction. We need more minds who think in Unique ways and are brave enough

Sorry man. Aero efficiency works for handling not just the straights. It helps with load distribution, lateral loading, suspension set-up, tire wear, fuel efficiency, cooling, reducing mechanical stress, reducing engine load... it’s not about simply putting a gaping hole in a shape that already existed, its about

Yeh man. Who cares what others think. If you enjoy it then just enjoy it. Don’t feel self conscious about it. It’s very unique and rare in its own regard. It’s worth keeping your head up about and appreciating it for what it is.

No. Sorry. I have a full understanding of how this race series works as well as business and public perception. In this day and age the ICE has been nearly optimized for years. Aerodynamics and Cooling win races, especially in horsepower restricted races and especially in horse power restricted endurance races. All of

Fantastic way to reach multiple demographics and ispire drivers and fans alike. This is a good win win for everyone involved. Godspeed Mr. McQuarrie. We’ll all be rooting for you. Enjoy the ride.

I’m sorry. I’m obviously doing a horrendous job at explaining my point. Many responses. The architecture of the car, aspect ratios, lines, etc are based on a Corvette - they need to look the same. The geometry is what it is. Pick up points etc can be changed but the limits are defined by the geometry and proportions

Yeh. Chevy would just need to take 400 of them. Modify them just enough for street use. Then sell them at a tremendous loss just like Ford has done. I’m not knocking the Ford GT nor am I my Engineering Brethren. It’s a tremendous feat of Engineering but it doesn’t belong in the GTE / GT2 class. The other cars on this