
Yeh. I know. I’m a sucker for trying to do the best I can honestly. Unfortunately it means more to me than winning. Cheating only handicaps the honest people... but I’d rather lose honestly ever day than win one day by cheating. It’d be easier to forgive old Rowdy if he was more humble - this all happened about the

I know it was Nation Wide but Ole Rowdy was dominating Sprint cup at the time then after this... not so much till last year. Check the stats. Something changed there.

It’s illegal if you demonstrate that your engine is down on power and NASCAR permits a larger restrictor plate to level you out with the field. Yep. Toyota and Joe Gibbs racing did that. Toyota had a larger restrictor plate because they were new and “down on power.” Turns out it was just magnets behind the gas pedal

Suspension geometries are different for most if not all GT cars. I agree the Ford is an awesome car, it’s just not in the right class. If Chevy tool their Daytona Prototype, modified 400 of them for street use and sold them at a loss just to homoligate it and get it into the GT class, I’d say the same. GT cars are

Only the chassis is the same?!? Give me a break. Even if only thr chasis, that’s 99% of the car. I present the Corvette Daytona Prototype. Chevy sells 400 at a major loss to homoligate them for the GT class and they’ll have done the same Ford has done.

Nothing in common?!? Same geometry, architecture, engine lay out, Engine placement... I could go on and on. Again. All Chevy has to to do to match Ford is sell 400 copies of it’s Corvette Daytona Prototype to homoligate it and wallah... no one who knows any better will buy the PR stunt. I present to you the new

To be honest, I am an idiot sometimes. If one doesn’t know the difference between a street car modidied for racing and a car built strictly with racing geometries and architecture then... I present to you the new Corvette GT car for Lemans. All they have to do is sell 400 of them at a tremendous loss to homoligate

Turn / track that took the most nerve to execute with proper race pace, regardless of how good the car was dialed in? I’d love to know.

Best execution on intended function of any automobile to date: 458 / 458 speciale. Strikes the best balance between feel, performance, and looks. An epic and elegent send off to the application of a Mid Engine NA Ferrari V8. Bellissimo. Molto Elegante.

This is sad all the way around. Couldn’t imagine having that type of relationship with a family member. Couldn’t imagine not being able to use my own name. It’s only money. Not worth destroying relationships over, especially family. Senior had his Family involved with DEI for a reason, it was a family business; kids

In the words of Churchill ~ Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is continuing that counts.

Weiner Mobile... you are the father!

+1. COTD... straight to the Weiners circle. He Braut it. He linked it all together.

Rowdy?!? I enjoyed how he was tearing up the field a few years ago. Then they found magnets on the back of the gas pedal of his Under Series car. Nothing like obstructing the accelerator so it can’t go to full open masking illegal horsepower during dyno testing. Once that was discovered his Sprint car somehow wasn’t

Yep. I can’t / don’t even wanna try to understand the boogity thing. I do think he’s a good commentator, but the boogity thing is as awful as the ground hog cam. I think I would like the boogity if it was followed by, let’s go racing and run over that Damn ground hog so it can just be what it is... a track level cam.

Huh? It said Saleen somewhere in that pucture? No kidding. I didn’t even notice.

Man who walks through airport door sideways going to....

How are they not named: Musk Ox, I Musk Break You, Musktalica, MegaMusk, Elonthrax, Muskular, ElonTones, Saber Tooth Muskrats, Muskateers, Elontric Lady Land, SepElontura... I could go on and on.