
There was not “non stop rioting and looting,” and a lot of the places closest to the BLM protests (Wisconsin, PA, California, New York, Washington, Oregon) voted for Biden.

Also, Snipes is hardly the first actor to be kind of a butthole. I didn’t take the stories as a commentary or condemnation of black actors, but as typical actor behavior. You don’t get to be a huge star without having a bit of an ego, and that can kind of go south on you.

Amen. This was the conservative endgame. They’ll be able to nuke any attempt at progress for the next 20-40 years.

He was a talented producer (albeit with a pretty limited palette) and made some pretty personal rap for a mainstream artist. I’ve always struggled with his rapping as, like most rapper/producers, he’s not that great at it (see also Dre, Madlib, Dilla, etc. etc.) He is not a “genius.” I put him in the Radiohead

I always wonder, if you are a member of a group that experiences daily acts of discrimination, how do you know if you are the asshole in the situation? I had a colleague who was convinced that our coworkers were being sexist in their treatment of her, when what I was observing was that she was terrible to work with so

A lot of what he accuses his opponents of doing, he is doing x100. He’s a con man. It’s wild to me, given the many, many shady things Trump has done in office, that what got folks so exercised about Hillary was that she used emails from a private server. But emeffers are still wanting to lock her up, and meanwhile

As an aside, I am super wary of identity politics when it comes to voting. I 100% want more women and women of color in elected offices, but having an identity doesn’t mean you aren’t a total fucking crackpot. The RNC in California is heavily pushing women of color as a way to update their brand. Beware wolves in

I’m in california and much of the guidelines are driven or at least modified by economic interests. We don’t have the political will to shut shit down for three months and get the virus under control, so we limp along and make concessions to allow businesses to eke out some sort of existence without totally folding.

Thank you for putting into words something I’ve been thinking. There has to be an alternative masculinity/whiteness that makes sense to white men, where they can feel they are valued and belong and can be themselves while not fucking over other people. What is being proposed now is that in order to join the righteous

My issue with some social justice theorists is that their proposed better path forward often seems utopian at best and totally divorced from reality at worst. It starts to seem like libertarianism, and I just want to ask, “can you think of a single example of where this has been tried and worked?” I mean, there is

I also think being the default bad guy in certain circles and being asked to hold blame for everything wrong with the world is deleterious. I’m over the “ugh, white dudes!” attitude I hear in a lot of lefty circles. As if we are going to end sexism and racism by being shitty about people based on their race and

Thank you for this. I’m increasingly queasy about assumptions of what cultural and professional norms are “white.” I am all for re-examining those cultural and professional norms in light of an increasingly non-white demographic and workforce, but the assumption that being on time, being objective, being rigorous in

Our side would lose. And if our side won, like we did in 1865, the “other” side would just feel like underdogs and keep on keeping on with their bullshit.

I’m hearing “So long-ah Bowser.” In a “It’s-ah me, Mario!” sense.

I know, I want to tell my conservative friends and relatives that the best republican candidate is biden. since Clinton the dems have essentially been a center-right party who are more socially liberal.

The conservative strategy for some time is to accuse their opponents of doing the same thing they themselves are doing a hundred times worse.There is a subset of this strategy in which conservative talking heads chastise people on the left for being as big of assholes as they are.

I think a comedian doing blackface in the 90s and early 2000s was probably not trying to mock black people or minimize their existence. And even if they were being racist and mocking people 20, 30, 40 years ago, what have they done lately? People grow and change. I’m less concerned with someone being culturally

If you have a blackface episode where the point of the episode is how horrible blackface is....that matters. Especially if it was done decades ago when there was less awareness about how offensive it was to do it even in a non-mocking way. And I think the nazi president and the overtly racist policies and groups his

I appreciate him saying that intention does matter. I’m not denying that people can cause harm even with good intentions, but saying intentions don’t matter opens the door to creating a narrative that is totally removed from the context of the allegedly offensive act.

I remember Rumsfeld during the iraq war saying they didn’t want to reinstate the draft because those soldiers “added no value.” I grew up with most of the males in my family being veterans who were drafted, and that hurt.