
Yeah, I am. The rest remains to be seen.

I do too but it got very rote quickly.

Having a patch of land that is ours to enjoy ourselves has been lovely. Just being able to work outdoors when it’s been warm enough makes having to do yardwork worth it.

That I’m not going to all Eeyore over 2 ceos when it could also just as easily go to Liz warren. 

They shouldn’t but there’s no harm in keeping your fingers crossed. Cheers, enjoy your Friday and weekend.

two weeks we can live with. 7 months of the same thing from Splinter would have been god fucking awful.

Frankly I’m ecstatic we won’t have 7 month’s of Woe is me Splinter posts.

I enjoy the “workout” of using a rake better than the blower. I find the blower is mostly useful for getting the leaf/grass bits that fall through the rake tines.

You could always hope Liz Warren is asked to take the job like I would instead of only expecting the worst. I’m not going to live in a constant state of dread about possible cabinet assignments for the next 7 months.

I’m putting everything in comparison to what we have now. I have found managing expectations instead of going for moon shots every time is far more successful.

Yes, but otoh I’m more than ok with other possible picks (excluding Bloomberg):

Buddy, it’s going to be a rough 4 years regardless. just matter of getting fucked with 60 grit with Trump or 240 grit with Biden. At least with Biden I have more hope he’ll be smart about his VP, Cabinet and not nominate strict conservatives for SCOTUS.

Good luck with all that. I’m not convinced “leftish” leaning sites won’t attempt to torpedo Biden to own the shitlibs. I’ll be voting for Biden because I have no other choice. 3rd party is a co pout, not voting is a cop out and voting (R) is evil.

Biden has a better chance with the right VP choice (Senator Tammy Duckworth anyone?) and preview of a competent cabinet. If he’s smart or at least takes advice...pick a younger/progressive VP and stock the cabinet with a bunch of progressive people of all experience levels.

I suspects the author’s world ends at NYC’s borders. 

I hope these real life Matt Foleys are living their best #vanlife down by the river eating government cheese.

you certainly seem comfortable with a Trump presidency to own the leading candidate.

We got 99 problems and hair care ain’t one.

All people are saying it seems a bit first world to worry about hair care when over 11000 people have died from COVID-19. We got 99 problems and hair care ain’t one.

How do you propose Bernie secure the nomination being as behind as he is? He’d have to be the only one on the remaining ballots to have even a slim chance of winning. I get being disappointing and frustrated that Biden was chosen over Bernie but were you expecting there to be a mandate to only vote for Bernie?