We tried this when making bolognese this past weekend. The meat turned blue when we added wine and balsamic vinegar due to the base/acid reaction. It was not appetizing but the color changed after adding all the tomato ingredients and let it simmer.
We tried this when making bolognese this past weekend. The meat turned blue when we added wine and balsamic vinegar due to the base/acid reaction. It was not appetizing but the color changed after adding all the tomato ingredients and let it simmer.
This is an answer to a question no one asked.
It seems our posts have been deleted and in my case...shadowbanned. Honesty is not something this blog seems to like.
Yes, all politics is local. Or at least starts local because that’s what affects day to day lives the most. It’s a shame there’s just snarky bullshit from a pair of Vermont Jesus apostles about Gaga registering people to vote or Reese Witherspooon asking people to vote. Downplaying voting sends the absolute wrong…
“and buildings vandalized by disaffected citizens.”
Am I missing something? It seems that there’s enough crazy shit going on that we don’t need half stories to stir up more outrage.
It’s almost like I can think both are wrong. Amazing thing the human brain.
Ricardo Hernandez spent the weekend sleeping in a van outside the Mexican ice cream shop he runs with his wife in South Minneapolis. He negotiated with protesters by handing over ice cream and Popsicles so they would leave the shop intact.
Thoughts and prayers for the poor opportunistic thieves.
Yeah, we wouldn’t want to make the looters out to be bad people. They’re just victims of their own opportunistic greed. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Welcome to Hell: White Celebrities Making Bad Art About George Floyd Edition.
The fly by night weekenders all full of shit, hot takes and hot air.
That’s cool...just keep the burning to your own neighborhood. I got a hairy trigger finger for assholes looking to threaten my home.
“Our capital stock hasn’t been destroyed, our human capital stock is ready to get back to work, ”
Hmmm...is the chlorine in that stew enough to kill off the COVID?
But calling up a bunch of landlords and giving them a bullhorn to vent about missed rent payments only contributes to a culture of silence in which the majority of victims never report their assaults
“While many of the aforementioned progressives will possibly be labeled sellouts for working with the Biden campaign in the first place”