Pretty sure Ross Perot was during his lifetime, and at one point was polling higher than 13%.
He’s pissed ‘cause he was on his way to the bathroom to smoke a bowl and that douche reporter got in his way, man.
I’m so confused—did he actually think he had some sort of chance in hell and it’s finally all of a sudden dawning upon him that it’s not gonna happen?
All these men are too emotional to be President.
That headline though ...
voter 👏🏻 fraud 👏🏻 isn’t 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 thing 👏🏻
Madonna was always a performance artist first and foremost, though. Larger-than-life, ahead of her time. She could go naked (and has done so) and still outshine everyone. Gaga has always appeared as though she was putting on a figurative suit of an outlandish larger-than-life performer while wearing literal (meat)…
This is why comparisons between Lady Gaga and Madonna are unfair.
I loathe Trump as much as the next Jezebel commenter, but I hate this sign stealing/burning stuff.
Yeah, I’m a shelter volunteer and huge shelter advocate but Keith Olbermann is a dick.
Yeah, I’m a huge (HUGE) fan of shelter dogs, but this doesn’t really feel like an appropriate time to talk about that.
I wouldn’t wish a dead dog on my worst enemy, and that includes Mike Pence. I’m glad his furbabybeagle had a long life and, unlike American women, was probably treated very respectfully by Pence.
Not sure that the snark in this title was well placed.
Poor puppy.
Is Daredevil will be on guard?
So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.