
You're right. Since Android is developed by Google, they're definitey the underdog here, with no Big Brother charateristics whatsoever.

It's aliiiiiiiiiiveeeee!!!!

I fail to see how is it that the pink goop is that much more disgusting that any other part of any other slaughtered animal. Same way I fail to see how some people are outraged with the thought of cooking dogs and cats, but are totally fine with cooking pigs and birds.

People are digusted with the "pink goop" while having bacon and ham for breakfast, sausage for lunch and chicken for dinner.

I just tried it on a Mac and that's what happens to me now. I guess it depends on the operating system, eh?


You're supposed to see her boobs growing slowly and exploding.

I understand and quite sympathise with the motive.

Why are they just taking down the site and not CHANGING the content to something embarrassing?

I love tofu too.

I tried but it doesn't work for me. What am I doing wrong???

Is it just me or Giz is getting worse.. and worse... and worse.. and worse?

Chuck Norris is an idiot.

Use the mouse and keyboard.

And then when you get the answer, what are you gonna do?

Well, to be considered a zombie, you must die, be buried for a while and then come out of the grave. Maybe walk around saying "braaaaaains". Or if you're a vegetarian zombie you can walk around saying "graaaaaains".

hummmm do you know anyone who's been dead for 3 days and arose from the dead?

I hope you're not planning on being a comedian then.

Coming back from the dead nevertheless.

Why does the "Powershort G1X" link on the first paragraph takes me to a Wells Fargo website?