
I like how people pretend that the name of pretentious furniture makes any difference at all. The name is only used to purchase the thing. Who cares whether it's called Pagina or Va-jayjay.

The article is not about Obama. It's about a misspelling on Romney's app. How does Obama have anything to do with anything?

Romney's app. Pointless to discuss it, since according to you, "Romney didn't misspell it himself".

You're welcome, Gizmodo.

Seems like just a fan. It's a chinese product, so they might be lost in translation there. According to their website, all the product offers is a "gentle breeze".

Maybe because the video you're watching has its own fps?

That's a lot of rage for a booty app.

Now that you're angry, you can leave the kamasutra stuff behind and dive right in on some hardcore S&M. Hummm maybe it's time to do an app called "iS&M". Which I'm gonna patent right now. So don't steal it, people.

hoooooooooolly bejayzus that was freaking scary ohmagah ohmagaahh ohmagaaaaaahhhhh

Actually, I know what you mean. I'm a designer wannabe, but I throw a hissy fit like no one else if I'm involved in a project where the design is ugly. I mean, I don't really have the skills of a designer but I come with all the drama. :)

ooops, that's a problem. So when you open the calendar and catatonia ensues, does that mean you miss your appointment?

I agree that the fake leather is tacky but saying "it goes against everythinnnnng he stands for" is a bit dramatic, eh. You guys are making it sound like whenever he opens the calendar app he gets into a state of deep catatonia.

If my memory doesn't fail me, Boot Camp was ready when Win 7 was released.

On the Mac, there is an accessibility option that lets you invert the colors. The shortcut is command+option+ctrl+8.

If you don't agree with judaism, you're antisemitic?

How is it that they're creating cool stuff so quickly after all those disasters? Amazing.

hahahah what a bunch of cry babies. The US has insane immigration laws. For a long time, it's been awful for Brazilians who wanted to visit the US. Awful. And now you're all crying because a Brazilian guy is leaving the US? Boooooo-hooooo.

Now playing

Yeah, I was expecting something along these lines.

Why is Texas hoarding all the water?