somehow has young Shawn Kemp’s athleticism at old Shawn Kemp’s size
somehow has young Shawn Kemp’s athleticism at old Shawn Kemp’s size
I haven’t ever been so excited just to watch a basketball player jump. Not shoot or dunk or anything. Just jump.
“Spend your points on what you actually want”
Wow, Mr. Roth doing an antisemitism by not mentioning her frequent invocation of that traditional Jewish prayer, “I am John McCain’s daughter.”
I mean it makes sense, if as a draftee you’re trying to elevate your position, who better to coach you than a guy with first-hand experience on what type of BS will fool the types of GM’s who have high first round picks.
Hot take: David Carr was not a bad QB, they just ruined him by never playing an O Line. He was the perfect example of how much situation matters.
If they don’t want to discuss the rumors, publicly back-patting themselves for having heard those rumors in the first place maybe isn’t the move!
“There’s no upside to celebrating like that after”
I'd like to think that at least one team is looking for prospects who would have the nerve to say, "What kind of stupid-ass bullshit is this?" But then I remember that it's the authority-humping NFL, where anything less than complete subservience is the equivalent of gonhorrea.
I was still blown away that some unnamed AFC team was asking prospects, “If required, are you willing to claim that you were, in fact, misidentified as a 77 year old white male, who was spotted frequently at a specific massage parlor?”
You nailed that one. +1
It’s funny to see Mike Singletary, who actively wore a Ned Flanders sized piece of the true cross when he coached the 49ers, be so anti-Christian.
“Yeah, who cares if this person physically attacks people or says fucked up shit or abuses his/her employees. There’s way worse stuff OTHER people have done.”
So... your argument is that because you’ve had terrible bosses, other people should too?
And in return, I’d just like to say slut, abortion, masturbation!
I thought the same. But she’s already an embarrassed teenager. seeing her dad go apeshit in the middle of the ceremony probably wouldn’t have helped that. I would hope to be able to control myself till the next day when his receptionist and everybody in the nearby offices would be able to hear what I was saying but it…
That’s my takeaway from this. The school wouldn’t have to worry about the ACLU if it was my daughter, I’d be going ape-shit on everyone up and down the chain.
The takeaway here is that the award for “Deepest CamelToe” survived?
Buy ETFs instead of mutual funds.