
Yeah, if I’m a Bucks fans, I’m not crying over spilt soda over this.

Here is where I’ll probably get flamed, but there were so many aspects of her story that sounded unrealistically entitled and just, frankly, willfully unaware. Grace describes going BACK to this man who had just gone down to her, and FULLY NAKED, “...sat down on the floor next to Ansari, who sat on the couch, she

I like that she has backed up her words and gone the extra mile by refusing to take any major role in the last 20 years.

Crushing Georgia’s hopes and dreams is old hat to the Russians.

Second the comment about lastpass. Very annoying.

They also made a point of noting that screen time should not take the place of sleep, play, or other enriching activities.

Yeah this is it. Was pretty obvious

Erdogan started out having limitations on his authority. But a compliant legislature let him overturn democratic norms, bit by bit, until he had dictatorial power.

I really didn’t want to vote for Erdogan, but I just couldn’t overlook Hillary’s e-mails.

A stable secular democracy elects a guy, who while a bit conservative and disdainful of civil liberties, at least promised a return of national pride. Sure some of his more extreme views might be cause for concern, but the nation had a strong liberal constitution in place to safeguard against this. Nothing to worry

Yeah, but he was a Cardinal, so no doubt he covered it up The Right Way.

Really odd definition of “everything” y’all got there

I mean it’s dumb but isn’t harassing the vicious or even overly creepy. I mean he’s not a politician. Who cares? Just an odd dude.

A phallic victory, if ever one existed.

He, like many, probably lost faith in this website after Clark the Cub failed to clear 75% in the 2014 Hall of Fame vote.

I dōn’t sēē whāt thē prōblēm īs?

This is one of the worst DL attempts I’ve seen so it’s really odd to see him get the weight up. I’m somewhat surprised he didn’t hurt himself and immediately realize he tweaked his back just after the lift. His form and his build don’t fit the weight he pulled but I have to concede that he legit finished the rep.

That has to be my favorite part of deadlifts. My lower back pain basically disappears when I’m doing deadlifts regularly. I don’t know if it’s the stimulation of the muscles or increased circulation but it’s almost shocking how well it works.

In his defense (I shuddered even writing that), he at least seems aware of how shitty his form is. The excuse that it’s difficult to maintain at higher weight is complete crap, but hey...there’s a lot of gym goons who won’t acknowledge their form is terrible.