
If only there were some way for these folks to verify whose Uber it was.

I’m disappointed. I didn’t hear one person yell “It’s not worth it!” I didn’t even hear the usual “WORLDSTAR!!!” 1 star, would not watch again.

You’re a fucking 55mph left lane camper aren’t you?

Do me a favor and never, ever drive in the left lane. Thanks.

To be fair to Francesa, this is the worst thing any coach has ever done at Penn State.

People really spend all their time posting things on a web site without any compensation? How pathetic.

But then why do they never call out the meatheads announcing the game who get this wrong nearly every time they open their damn mouths (whether they’ve played the game or not).

Considering how fast PFF puts out grades (by Sunday night for day games, I think?), there is little reason to believe their methods have much value. That and the practice of adding decimal points to subjective assessments is classic woo.

If I had to guess, the team technician needed an allen wrench to tighten it. And as literally anyone can attest, you can NEVER find your fucking allen wrench set the one time a year you need it.

Two shattered ankles on the first bosu ball, followed by a concussion as I rolled off the mats onto the hardwood floor. I am not graceful.

This point is 20 years old by now, but, boxing, horse-racing, and baseball have all held and lost the pinnacle of the American sports landscape. It can happen. Over a long enough timeframe, it will happen to football, even if it isn’t laid low by its immediate issues.


He should go with some tried and true baseballisms, like “Hustle, Grit, Humble”. On second thought, that’s probably too long, so he should probably just abbreviate it.

He should have went with “sticks”, as his number is 11 and he clearly has a third one up his ass.

Seems rather aggressive...A*G*G*R*E*S*S*I*V*E!!!

I’d do more than just pat her back.

A hat to Howard is like a mustache to Tom Selleck

I was gonna post Boyd Coddington, but since Howard is alive, you win by a landslide.

My kids love “Daddy jungle gym”