
He could have a Michigan half shirt on...

HEAR HEAR! Anything past slugging percentage might as well be calculus over here and I don’t know that shit either.

In what fucking universe could anyone ever convince themselves that Joey Votto is overrated? He’s one of the best hitters in the game, I don’t give a shit what you want to use to measure it. Maybe his base running isn’t great? Do you just hate walks or what? Jesus the things people whine about.

i like to think we’re all winners here

It Wasn’t Me is one of the greatest songs of the last twenty years.

Puerto Ricans are American citizens, but for purposes of international competition, Puerto Rico has its own baseball and Olympic organizing committees.

Were you out all fucking night?

What I always say is that I think by 2050, assuming we have continuity of professional sports leagues, we’re well on the way to one of two futures:

“College athletes shouldn’t be paid because they get a free education.”

“Some of y’all can count TO TEN?!”

The smart ones take off their socks and go all the way to 20

In regards to playing professional football again, the Raven quoted

The people who criticize him for this decision are also the same people that can’t add if the sum is greater than 10, due to a lack of additional fingers.

Barber: What you want?

Larry Nance Jr: Make me look like a 2K default player

Barber: Say no more fam

The pink on the butt shorts girl is not so bad...

I think this is confusing though. Most people I see at the gym are in plain shorts/crops/pants with old t-shirts or plain, solid color tanks. Why would it make someone feel more comfortable to rock a bunch of weird camo spandex gear, since really no one else is rocking it?

You could have said that without being a fucking ass, but I suppose it’s just your nature.

That’s why I blatently stare. Both at guys and gals. Averting your gaze is overrated and so are restraining orders.

The attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, or Loni Anderson’s boobs. All three were noteworthy events of the early 1980s.