
Aren’t you conflating the NFL and the NFLPA?

It was on TV on the English channel in Portugal when I was there a few years ago

With the openings in Toronto and Milwaukee, I figured George Karl would make an appearance.

So when the Lions get an employment discrimination lawsuit from the next guy that sues them because he’s convinced the Lions considered his dropped charge of sexual assault when they didn’t hire him, you’ll subsidize their defense, right?

If she can spell fiancé correctly, you can, too, Chris.

I think I’d believe her sincerity in this more if she didn’t get mad at Mark Cuban previously for shutting ESPN reporters out a couple years ago.

He paid out probably a substantial sum of money (I’m guessing more money than I make in a year).

Are you serious? He has to live like a second class citizen for the rest of his life? For actions that aren’t even illegal?

“Apple, for years, never had 7 engineers in a room with their phones off vibrate when a text message came in. There were 6 choices for text tones.”

Suspected drunk driver and also suspected illegal so strap in because you know what’s coming...

I would nix the assisted pull-up. It just doesn’t simulate a real pull up enough and most people (myself included) aren’t flexing the right muscles when using it. People almost always go heavy with biceps rather than engaging their back and lat muscles.

This is a classic case of YMMV but I switched to firefox after the new version came out a couple months ago and had to switch back to Chrome after a month.

to some dork named Jeff Joon,

Good point about factoring in the RR points you get by using points is a big sell but the math still makes it so that buying through RR is better.

I don’t understand your math here. You cannot use two credit cards for one purchase.

But here’s the question (that the article doesn’t address): if you go through the Travel Center, do your points count 1.5X as much when purchasing airfare as if you went through the website? If not, then you might be WAY ahead transferring the points to Rapid Rewards

I was expecting some sort of circle jerk

Who is R B?

yeah, let’s not be so quick to smear the guy that took up the good side on Bush v. Gore and Perry v. Hollingsworth