
I’m sorry, are we really supposed to believe this is more than a publicity stunt feud? Isn’t this the Rock’s M.O.?

I believe he also had a touchback (maybe 2?) and a kick to the 2 yard line that resulted in a 49ers starting at the 14.

Not a bad tactic but the bride would probably figure it out if you prodded too much and, generally, once you are in wedding planning mode, it’s hard to stop that train, especially when he’s driving the train in ththe first place.

Abuse is a different animal. I understand where you are coming from but if someone is being abused, all bets are off. You intervene and get everybody else you can think of to intervene - parents, relatives, other friends, police. That’s a crime. Not a time to stand idly by.

The issue there seems to be that the mutual friends did some itoldyaso’ng after the fact and nobody likes that in any situation. Keep quiet throughout - during and after.

In that case, if she doesn’t know how you and the rest of your friends feel about this guy, you should tell her

Yup. All the articles I have found attribute it to Liebling’s boo. Here’s another:

The problem with CNN, WSJ, or Bloomberg for me is not their political slant (it generally aligns with mine) but the completely useless listicles and click bait stories they insist on pushing over the weekend.

Doubt the former will do anything

Love that he wrote that song for Reagan!

Smart invert is new.

Related - the reduce white point is also a nice feature for when you want to use your phone in a dark place. It’s like an ultra-low brightness. Also useful for power saving.

why is there a known min-max length?

Find my Device is not a security measure, it’s a convenience measure. My household loses their phone all the time. Like literally once a day. I need to be able to locate my device consistently.

Really want to read these essays.

“you are responsible for what they say to you”

She doesn’t even have Ticket to Ride. Settlers weirdos are the least of her worries

Man that was good

FYI: There are two legal proceedings against Carton.