Lou Williams did not jump straight up and down. He jumped forward toward Russ. It is against NBA rules for the defender to jump into the ball handler.
Lou Williams did not jump straight up and down. He jumped forward toward Russ. It is against NBA rules for the defender to jump into the ball handler.
Car washing! He meant car washing!
You could just move to Kansas City
If his attorney can’t get him a giant gob of money, then he sucks and he should call me because I promise you I could get it for him
Yeah but in fairness that guy had it coming. Dude was trying to get a haircut before him. And he was only an Offensive Lineman
I’ve heard beat reporters talk about his and I have no idea their thought process still. You have your pre-fabricated story and you need your bullshit 7 word quote and somehow it’s a great travesty when the player wont’ give it to you? I mean, if you’re getting upset about it on my behalf (you know, the reader) then…
Both of you are incorrect. He takes 2 steps after the gather and his pivot never changes on the spin move
The problem with the play is not the jumping but the lineman holding the center down so that the LB can do the jump.
I liked his daughter in the back doing her best to cope
This is more Gak than slime
And people get so mad when they get corrected on the internet
Are those prices American or Canadian dollars?
You don’t have kids.
Highlight Truther Truthers!
Yes, this is stupid and doesn’t at all explain the wealth in Asia. None of it is old money.
Alternatively: no
It’s not unrelated. He was at the club with his brother when his brother got tased
Showalter? No, he’s not
and there are plenty of guys of that caliber making far less money in other places.
All hail the surveillance state