
Before I played Elden Ring, I considered Dragon’s Dogma the best game of all time. Difficult on the hard setting but not Souls level. So many different ways to play the game. The pawn system is brilliant. Just a masterpiece of a game.

“Perry added other suggestions for strengthening your gag reflex, like brushing your tongue, or placing salt on it to activate the taste buds.”

People really still think that saying Black Lives Matter excludes other races. It’s sooooo confusing!

I nominate EvilPecanPie to be arbiter or which issues are racism and which are not, because they are sooooo over it with all this racism talk. Please run all articles past them first so we can determine what to be upset about.

Incredible how many insane Boebert stans there are out of the grays. Great comment system!

So she got to legally terminate her pregnancy (TWICE) because that was the best choice for her at the time, but now she wants to take away the ability for any other woman to exercise that same right.

What fundamental rights is Joe Biden trying to take away from women?

I figure worst-case this will be a Cyberpunk 2077 situation where after a patch or 10 the game ends up being pretty dang playable and enjoyable.

This is very cool, but isn’t it pretty common knowledge at this point that female animals don’t conform to the anthropomorphizing that we thrust upon them based on our cultural stereotypes?

Those Jack Danie’s Coke cans look a helluva lot like Coke Zero cans. Seems like an invitation for kids to accidentally grab mom or dad’s booze.

Yes, it seems like terrible mistake done without malice. But one has to wonder do they employ even a single black person who could have looked at this and say, hey, maybe this isn’t the best look for Juneteenth?

It’s interesting how we decide as a culture which words are offensive. If you used the word “moron” in a Tweet, no one would say boo. But if you used the word “retarded” you would catch absolute hell. Moron was also originally a term for the developmentally disabled. As a kid we threw around the r-word all the time,

This should be obvious to anyone who has ever seen a “baby on board” sign in someone’s back window and been unmoved to change their driving habits.

Wait, is he still cancelled? Because I don’t see a single solitary comment even mildly praising his apology. You gotta love woke twitter mobs. “We demand and apology!” Oh, you apologized? “Well, we don’t accept it!”

LOL. It’s almost as if cancel culture is a clusterfuck of hypocrites, zealots, and utter morons. The only point is to be mad.

I agree. It’s the LGBTQ community that is at fault here and not these pieces of shit attacking them based on ignorance and hate. How dare they read to kids in a library! That reinforces so many stereotypes! We should definitely be blaming the victims here.

Was it a Master’s in corniness?

If you had told me when I was a kid that we would be getting a new Star Wars movie like every year, along with 20 spin-off TV shows and new cartoons and toys, I would have been absolutely over the moon.

Just because we can implement something doesn’t mean we should. Other than a small niche of people who think this is a cool novelty, who was clamoring for this? What unmet need is being fulfilled here? What inefficiency is this solving?

Yes, but she is bone dry.