Ya, it’s clearly a race thing. Ageism is of course an issue across fields, but writers tend to peak pretty “late” in life. A Google search suggests that the average age of an author who first achieves bestseller status is 48-52ish.
Ya, it’s clearly a race thing. Ageism is of course an issue across fields, but writers tend to peak pretty “late” in life. A Google search suggests that the average age of an author who first achieves bestseller status is 48-52ish.
Does it have to be exactly “52"? Seems like George RR Martin and Stephen King and Dean Koontz and David Baldacci and James Lee Burke and Don Delillo and Cormac McCarthy and on and on and on and fucking on are all white dudes over 52 who seem to be doing pretty okay.
LOL. I didn’t know about this. Couldn’t find an answer. But it’s very funny to me that this whole “bravo to Lizzo for apologizing correctly” is ultimately meaningless. There’s always some more dirt to dig up.
Wow, I’m 45 years old and I didn’t know that “spaz” was a derogatory term. I mean I definitely remember using it as a kid, but I have never known anyone with cerebral palsy and didn’t know it was a slur against them. I guess I always assumed it had something to do with muscle spasms, which everyone can relate to.
A very good case could be made that the internet is making us all stupider.
Unless you’re among the lucky few, if you’re a Playstation stan you probably paid the equivalent of a second console when you got your PS5 on ebay or wherever.
Disrupting the canon is the least of this show’s problems. I think I’ve cringed harder watching this show than the original Office, but at least the latter was doing it on purpose.
This is the tuxedo t-shirt of home decorating.
Good. Even in tech, my prior field, you absolutely do not need a 4-year degree for most entry-level jobs. I had my choice of jobs with a technical certification.
My first thought was that at least if it’s coming out first quarter 2023 I’ll actually be able to play it since I own an Xbox. I can’t imagine the PS5 will be much more available by then. Great work, Sony.
“Hanks is a bit miffed the Robert Zemeckis’ film doesn’t show up on “greatest movies of all time” lists”
I agree. People should just stop reviewing movies.
The most remarkable thing is that this comes up every single year and everyone on the right bitches and moans about “woke capitalism.” There is no woke capitalism. It’s all just capitalism. This is the death cult in action and working exactly how conservatives want it to work.
This article makes absolutely zero sense. The central conceit is that white people should stop identifying with the Handmaid’s Tale or using it as a symbol for the pro-choice movement because some black people don’t like the show, a show that attempts to right a wrong from the book by including people of color in the…
Remember deep in the pandemic when people were like we’re definitely never going back to buffets because people will be too worried about germs?
That’s a big difference between Trump supporters and Biden supporters. We at least know our guy sucks. Which is why you don’t see us, say, storming the capitol waving Biden flags.
LOL. I know, right? The president should just walk or not talk about climate change at all. God forbid you should suffer being “lectured” to!
LOL. Ya, and I was shocked to discover that people were horny “way back” in the 1940s.
“According to historians, couples were sending racy messages to each other as far back as World War II. “
LOL. Classic Conservative logic. If faced with a problem that you, as an elected official, can do something about—i.e. legislation targeting the gun crisis in this country or admitting that guns themselves are the problem—the trick is to propose something the government cannot possibly do: force everyone to be nice to…