Well, sure. I mean all those dead kids won’t lead to overturning Roe vs. Wade. But Kavanaugh will, so he must be protected at all costs.
Well, sure. I mean all those dead kids won’t lead to overturning Roe vs. Wade. But Kavanaugh will, so he must be protected at all costs.
LOL “defend against a tyrannical government”. These gun humping turds cannot even defend an elementary school from being shot up. My ass they are going to stand up to tanks and jets and trained members of the armed forces.
I don’t understand why food is included here. If your work buys its employees pizza and you take home the leftovers, in what way is that stealing?
Yeah “feminists” are exactly like Alex Jones, who famously tried to use a massive tragedy to troll grieving parents with his disgusting conspiracy theories.
I agree with supreme leader Musk. A recession would be fantastic right now. I’ve never felt more confident that what this country needs right now in these halcyon days of political and economic harmony is a bunch of bankruptcies and layoffs.
I agree with a lot of the dum-dums in the comments. The woman and her 12yo stepdaughter should have stayed in the middle of the highway and tried to push the disabled truck through oncoming traffic.
Just in time for Biden to recognize June as black music month. LOL.
I am just glad this shitshow of a circus sideshow, which should never in a million years have been televised as any rational human in the social media age could tell you, is finally over. We can finally stop talking about these two horrible people and the toxic fandom that has appeared around a dude who couldn’t…
It’s so funny to me how when I was young being into video games was a lame, nerdy thing to do for pizza-faced dorks who couldn’t get laid. And now that gaming is huge it’s been taken over by a lot of douchebros who think they are Alpha male warriors. It’s the exact same sexism and homophobia you see in jock culture.
So bad I couldn’t get through it the first time so I tried to finish it stoned. Unfortunately, it’s not even enjoyably bad. It’s even worse than that new Dr. Strange, which set a pretty high bar.
I think it’s cool that they took flight training and were actually in these jets shooting practical effects instead of a bunch of garbage CGI and green screen acting that is in almost every movie that comes out these days.
Stephen A Smith is annoying at best, but Durant is the biggest bitch in the NBA and it isn’t even close. He also demonstrably made the game worse by joining a historically great Warrious team all so he could chase a ring.
Congrats! I beat her 2nd try and had much the same reaction. I had thought about trying a RoB build but would have had to respec and learn a different weapon moveset/playstyle. So I just continued with my quality build, massively overleveled.
This rules. What an amazing gaming experience. The sheer number of ways to play the game is incredible.
It’s absolutely a trope. I think there’s something to be said for generations of men who end up in creative fields who were unpopular, never got girls, and were bullied by cheerleader/jock types in high school. It’s a bit of a revenge fantasy. Revenge of the nerds, you might say.
It’s just funny to me that a British tabloid can call Depp a “wife beater” and the courts agree that’s a substantially true statement. But here in the US the wife herself cannot claim her husband was an abuser or he is being defamed.
He compared wearing a dress to rape (“forced”) and that it almost “literally” killed him. So I think it’s perfectly fine to have some perspective from actual real world violence that people have experienced.
“Forced” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Did they hold him down and physically put the dress on him? It almost killed him? “Literally” in his terms. Sure thing, bub.
Huge win for misogyny!
As far as I know there is no controller support, which I guess makes sense because of all the key bindings and whatnot, but it’s still a deal breaker for me. Game looks really fun though.