The most watched cable “news” show, including a huge number of self-identified Democrats.
The most watched cable “news” show, including a huge number of self-identified Democrats.
Found the #himtoo asshole.
I get the sanitation part of this argument, but I’m not sure the other points hold up. Every person has a different tolerance for seasoning. Yes, the food should be seasoned “well,” but that’s an awfully subjective metric. Take just as an easy example, scrambled eggs. I like to add some pepper (and no, it doesn’t need…
Why would you want to alleviate the burn? The burn is the whole point of horseradish. If it’s too spicy just use mayo, you cowards.
I recommend sprinting through the area on Torrent, just before the farm/grace site, because there is some truly awesome loot you can grab including some massive runes. Even if it ends up being a suicide run from those massive skeleton summons, it’s totally worth it.
It’s pretty funny how the Right, which used to be the party of “corporations are entitled to free speech” and “the government has no right to interfere with private entities,” has now become the loudest voice for the government punishing private companies (Disney for example) for speaking out, however disingenuously,…
It’s still hilarious to me that this pampered millionaire douchebag is, to a frightening number of Americans, some sort of Alpha male archetype.
Yep, coming out of a global pandemic the first thing I want to do is be naked around a bunch of strangers.
This is a happy medium between the two warring factions of “git gud” and, well, people who have lives and don’t want to sink 50 hours into fighting one fucking boss.
“Don’t deserve”? LOL shut the fuck up. What a stupid take.
Oh, of course. No one in the woke cancel culture mob “believes” in cancel culture. But at the end of the day, there is no punishment that will please them other than complete cancellation—in other words, never be able to work again. And that’s the same punishment whether it’s telling a joke that X number of people…
Could the mounted controls be any worse? I’m constantly dismounting by accident because of pushing in on the left thumbstick, and having to stop everything to push “Y” and whatever d-pad you have mapped for the whistle. And don’t get me started on trying to aim your attacks while on horseback.
My favorite thing is that your first comment is about how disingenuous the “progressive” argument is, and yet you follow with this?
People love to (rightly) clown on this guy, but Conservatives at his level of buffoonery regularly beat Democrats. I mean they must just be laughing their asses off that they can run complete lunatics and be competitive.
Why are people still so obsessed over how many calories you burn doing sex? Just have sex because it feels good and is bonding experience with your partner. If you burn a few extra calories doing it, great. What a happy side effect. But all this logistical minutia of which positions burn more calories and how long you…
Thank you for proving my point that the people with the strongest takes on what counts as funny are the least funny people on the planet. It’s just so refreshing to read a bunch of comments by people who have zero taste and zero background in comedy.
I don’t think we need a bunch of sociological studies to prove humans are the worst. I think the past two years have proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
If you want to farm runes, you do it the old fashioned way: you dodge that giant Indiana Jones boulder over and over and over and over again.
You’re an educator? God help your students.
I’m really surprised there’s no warning in this article that you must be offline if you want to use mods or you’re taking a very real risk of getting banned permanently.