Okay, but A.) lots of people do like nuts and B.) some people are allergic to lots of things. A significant number of people enjoy nuts, hence they are everywhere. Whether you personally don’t like them is not really the point of the article.
Okay, but A.) lots of people do like nuts and B.) some people are allergic to lots of things. A significant number of people enjoy nuts, hence they are everywhere. Whether you personally don’t like them is not really the point of the article.
Then skip this ONE article and read literally every other article that is only about cars. Christ.
Neither the McPlant nor the Impossible Whopper are “vegan,” so your comment doesn’t even apply to this article specifically. And since there are vegan/vegetarian options popping up nearly everywhere and are a staple of the grocery store shelves, your general premise is clearly false.
AFTER beating Elden Ring? So these are games I will never play. Great.
Me, before finding out that Amber Heard dated Elon Musk: believe women!
That’s a good point and I totally get it. For a while I even thought all the messages telling you to like jump off a cliff or whatever were kind of funny. But then I started playing the game. Now I have zero patience for anything that is going to make this awful experience any harder. LOL.
Why anyone would play this stupidly difficult game online baffles me. I mean I get turning it on before a boss fight for summons. If I were forced to play this online and had to allow invasions, I would throw the game in the trash.
It’s hard to believe that we’ve swung so far into mob hysteria that even people on the Left have devolved into this kind of simplistic, black vs. white thinking.
“holding people accountable for their shitty views.”
This is by far the best response. The only other thing I feel should be noted is just the statistics themselves. Let’s be honest here about what percentage of population are trans women, then what percentage of those trans women are talented and gifted enough to compete at the higher levels of any sport. It’s a tiny,…
I don’t know. If your eating choices are directly leading to climate degradation and the monstrous practices of factory farms in this country, then I think it’s pretty okay to tell others that their choices are harmful.
I think vegans get a lot of hate not just because they can be annoying (true), but because many of us who eat meat understand that they are right. Our factory farming practices are objectively cruel and horrific. It’s not just a coincidence that many states have made it illegal (or have tried to make it illegal) for…
“The director–and people like her–will do or say something discriminatory, insist they’re remorseful and then move on to their next endeavor with no consequence.”
At least a few of these don’t even meet the definition of scientific theory. Any of the religious ones, for example. If they don’t provide a rational explanation for our natural world that is subject to testing and proof, then they are of no value outside of philosophical thought experiments.
So would you reject all of human history because there is no one alive who witnessed it and so can’t 100% prove it? LOL.
So now it’s “pretentious” to use a word or phrase correctly? I mean, sure, language changes over time. So why bother with any rules? If I say “kewl” instead of “cool” you know what I mean, therefore what is the point of spelling any word corektli? See, you knew I meant “correctly.” No need for pesky rules. And if you…
She wrote an article about the Mitsubishi Mirage just today, so WTF are you even talking about? Just click on her name and plenty of non-convoy articles come up. So you’re being a disingenuous prick. Awesome. Just say you support the convoys instead of deflecting.
I hate cancel culture as much as the next guy, but she said something super dumb and got slammed. But that’s it. Are there other consequences she is facing?
Ya, I don’t know. As an extremely white person born and raised in America, I feel pretty guilty about the way our country traded in human flesh and brutalized an entire race of people for almost 250ish years. And then continued to oppress them for, well, we’re still going. And we still lionize our slave-holding…
How many people can continue to miss the point here?