
Same comment twice on the same article. This is really a hill you want to die on, isn’t it? And the point continues to fly over your head. Wow.

Exactly. It’s a stupid comparison.

What a stupid comment. I’m so tired of the “acknowledging reality” crowd. Do you seriously think this is an incisive and revealing response?

Dude is more concerned with the lore than finishing a once-beloved series. At this point, with even the show dead and long gone, I could not possibly care less if he ever finishes. The ending has already been spoiled.

In support of Ukraine, I am boycotting Russian roulette and only playing regular roulette.

Are we talking fast food? Because you 100% have to have a few fries before you even get the bag home.

Jesus. I don’t care if a gun is “supposed” to be loaded or not. If someone hands me a firearm, I’m going to check myself to make sure whether it’s loaded or not. Isn’t that basically rule number one, the very first thing you learn? Treat every single gun as if it’s loaded.

There is a big difference, you’re right. Women get plastic surgery, which actually works and changes their appearance. While men chug bags of gas station pills called like “Extenz” or whatever that do absolutely fucking nothing. So ya, men being weird about the size of their dicks is absolutely on point.

That’s not an example of hypocrisy. Not even close.

I love how we jumped from like “Ten things I wish I knew before I started Forbidden West,” then nothing about the game while we got 40 Elden Ring posts. And then the very next FW article is about the ending. No thanks.

It would be nice to get coverage of some other games instead of 16 Elden Ring posts per day on Kinja. I know that’s a big ask from the grays.

Wow. The only white dude in America who admits that he sees in color.

I can sort of understand why parents get so upset about sex education in school. It’s pretty scary to think that your child might be getting information too soon and too explicitly from the media--especially from a “step-sibling” video on Phub, but of course you can’t really control that. With local schools, parents

I’m sorry it wasn’t politically charged, but at least you still found a reason to bitch. So look on the bright side.

I would have at least accepted childish mockery. I don’t know that this word salad of a Freshman English thought poem can even be considered satire.

Does anyone think that this sort of thing is intentional? As if some software wasn’t in charge of just running whatever ad was queued up. Imagine being in charge of deciding what ads are appropriate to run during a military invasion.

Looks awesome. But it’s clearly made difficult solely for the sake of difficulty, which is a ridiculous foundation for a franchise. So I’ll stick with games made by people who actually want others to enjoy their art instead of making it inaccessible to all but the most hardcore gamers. Whatever.

I still like watching little babies fight over which billion-dollar, soulless corporation makes the “best” phones. When your identity is caught up in which capitalist behemoth you favor, you know your priorities are in shambles. Everything now is just fandom and devotion to an IP or a corporation.

I think I’m a little bit more upset about an incredibly popular show that is all about teenagers having sex. Like this is what grown adults are celebrating? Yikes. That to me is more offensive than stupid, exploitative cocktails.

No, no one realizes that. Because that’s not how “logical progression” works. What you’re talking about is more of the classic fallacy of Slippery Slope. There’s very little difference in what you’re saying, logically speaking, than the people who tried to say if we allowed gay marriage then we would via your “logical