
It’s funny to me the people trying to bully world-class athletes. Not one of these non-essential workers typing on Twitter will ever in their pathetic lives be as successful at anything as these Olympians are at what they do. It’s hilarious.

I still don’t understand this stupid commenting system. I’m forever in the greys on every sub but this ding-dong is “approved”? LOL. Really responding with valuable contributions.

If it’s just a game then why are you getting riled up about what other people are doing? Does it affect your life in any way, shape, or form?

“Netflix has come under fire in recent months for its continued embrace of Chappelle, whose material on specials like Sticks And Stones and especially last year’s The Closer has often taken aim at critics who would like Dave Chappelle to stop doing things like, say, using his massive platform to tell audiences of

It’s funny to me that the “we hate identity politics, we should all just be AMERICANS” folks are just making their own little segregated areas where they can only mingle with people who share the same right wing views.

Fired this up literally the second it became available. I’m so dumb I sat and watched the PS4 countdown.

It’s downloaded on my PS4. Just sitting there mocking me. I can already tell I will be bummed how it looks on the 4. But I’ll be GD sure firing it up at midnight.

No, it’s most certainly not. It would only be equality if the playing field were already level. It’s the difference between a white person calling a black person the N-word and a black person calling a white person a “cracker.” There’s no comparison.

So, at least for men, height is a protected class now? LOL!

“The impact of his work on our modern dating culture is seismic, to say the least.”

“Democrats in Congress claim that they want to “save specific policy disputes” in the bill such as the Hyde Amendment for later”

What a surprise, the dude who hates BLM and supports insurrectionists is against unions, too.

This is great. And congrats. I think quality is absolutely more important than quantity. I feel like many people do not give anticipation the respect it deserves. Sex always feels better when you’ve had to wait, when your partner is turning you on and vice versa but you haven’t had the alone time. And it just builds

Can anyone explain to me why “Sucklord” is the sole source for this article and what his qualifications are other than his claim that he set his own personal record for sex?

I’m surprised by how many people don’t seem to understand how criticism works. Something can be good, even very good, and still be disappointing. If video games are art (and of course they are), then they are subject to the same critiques as every other art form. Unfortunately, in the era where Fandom is king, every

“She IS a child. Yes. But we need to stop acting like she cannot be held accountable BECAUSE she is a child.”

Nothing anyone could say would keep me from buying this game. I thought HZD was fantastic and I’m delighted to return to that world.

I agree with you but I don’t think that’s at all what the reviewer is saying. World building is not the problem. The problem is fan service for the sake of fan service. Rather than for the sake of the story or characters. There’s always a limited budget, limited resources, limited time.

“In an effort to oppose racism, I composed a poorly designed and easily misunderstood meme that unintentionally conveyed racism”

Just because you have trouble understanding how the term is applied does not make it “watered down.” It just means you sympathize with white nationalists. Good for you. I bet there are lots of good people on that side.