Love the people both sides-ing this. Or that it is somehow controversial who was more in the wrong. Nope, sorry, it’s always gonna be the guy trying to pass on the shoulder and being the sole cause of the crash.
Love the people both sides-ing this. Or that it is somehow controversial who was more in the wrong. Nope, sorry, it’s always gonna be the guy trying to pass on the shoulder and being the sole cause of the crash.
Ya, totally. So it’s okay to drive like a maniac and pass on the shoulder, risking your life and the lives of other drivers. Cuz someone’s speedometer might be a hair off.
Even if it were 1999 and this kind of music wasn’t yet entirely played out, and “emo” wasn’t already getting boring and turning into Hot Topic nonsense, this song would have sucked ass. And it definitely sucks ass now. It’s just generic pop punk, long after generic pop punk was old news.
Commenting on strangers’ appearances has always seemed weird to me. I would never in a million years go up to a handsome stranger and comment on their body. So why the fuck would I do it online?
So when people are objectified, it’s their fault? What an intelligent and empathetic take.
I mostly agree with you. In our rush to not kink shame, I think we’ve gone too far the other way with what counts as “healthy.” Because wanting a safer version of human romantic interaction is certainly not a “kink.” It’s basically what everyone wants (yes, not EVERYONE, calm down). But nothing about this seems…
Given that something like 1 in 6 American women have experienced sexual assault, I think a lot of people are already getting away with it.
As an extremely white person from an extremely white state (Montana), I have absolutely no problem with paying reparations. It’s a debt our country owes, and as someone who was fortunate enough to be born in “the greatest country on earth” (supposedly), I am happy to consider that I bear part of that debt.
Damn it! At first glance I thought that was a double-decker taco and this was an article about how TB was finally bringing back their best menu item. My stomach now has blue balls, thanks.
As a 90s kid, I’m really looking forward to (and dreading) the soundtrack.
I love the right wingers in the comments. They just ignore the vast majority of the articles on Jalopnik and are obsessed with commenting how the site is too “woke.” This story is inherently political. If you don’t like it go read literally any other article.
Dude cries about “left wing” politics on Jalopnik but replies to every single article with right wing politics. You’re a goddamn genius. LOL.
I’m surprised too when I don’t even bother to look for an article that was already front page on Jezebel the day before.
What a genius comment. I guess it’s not self-evident to you that people enjoy shows that conform to their preferences?
Two consenting adults in an adult relationship is a sex scandal too far for me. It’s not like we just had a president with multiple sexual assault claims and who paid off a pornstar. That’s nothing compared to this scandal at CNN.
Yup, it was definitely the swearing. That’s the reason white moms wouldn’t want their white daughters to take pictures with a black woman. Definitely the swearing part.
I love her. It’s not even a genre of music I typically listen to, but her work with boygenius is phenomenal. I’m all in.
Totally. Like when was the last time you even heard a song about hetero kissing? Now that’s an untapped genre full of originality.
This is an ex-partner, and it’s not even on her really, but we lived together in a place with a pretty bad ant problem. You couldn’t leave anything out for even a second. You really had to keep the place spic and span.
There are quite a few popular kinks that I am just not into and don’t understand. This is one of them. But whatever floats your boat.