
Or it could be that some of “these people” are just fine with it and don’t need your judgement or input. There’s nothing irresponsible about telling people who are into a kink to be safe and go for it if they want.

What does sexual activity have to do with the “extreme left”? You’re merely baring your right wing bias and ignorance. What one finds pleasurable and enjoyable in the bedroom is by definition subjective. Trying to tie it to Plato’s cave is hilariously pedantic. Oh, thank you for revealing the “truth,” random nobody on

So you demand logic with a completely illogical comparison? Nazis = BLM. Got it, dude. They are exactly the same.

What is even the point of the apology tour? People scream for apologies, but just look at the comments. Not a single person was satisfied with it. It’s all just more negative backlash.

After watching that routine, I just have to say that there is something so very satisfying about watching a bunch of people moving in synch. It’s like ASMR for your eyes.

Fantastic. Now I think we all just want to know who put you in charge of defining what a “sport” is. Since you’re the gatekeeper of what counts and what doesn’t, I think it’s only natural to ask for a little transparency. What are your qualifications for making these judgements? Skills, background, experience, etc.

I don’t have a huge issue with Rogan, really. But his claims about people being banned for saying cloth masks might not be effective or that COVID couldn’t be caught by people who were vaccinated are both straight up lies. Also, the Wuhan lab story has been covered since early 2020, not just for the past 8 months.

LMFAO. So you never listed to his podcast and don’t know a goddamn thing that was said in the interviews, but you are confident that Rogan is right. Wow, what a valuable and well-informed opinion that we should all listen to.

PDAs were gross before COVID. A peck or a hug is fine. But you should never just be making out in public. Even if you are in a bar. People who feel the need to be horny in public should just go to a sex club.

Didn’t have to. Just saw the username. It’s crazy who gets let out of the grays on this site.

I guess the two obvious things. One is that women are almost always shorter than men, on average, and humans latch on to things that don’t fit the “normal” pattern. And “I don’t see height” is almost as silly as “I don’t see color.” Of course we all see physical differences in people.

I love reading the ridiculous and ignorant comments from the people who seem to think that having alternate difficulty modes would somehow harm their experience, instead of what it would really do is open the game (a masterpiece of a game by most accounts) to more gamers.

Well as long as you personally are happy and satisfied. That really is the most important thing. Truly.

It’s odd that you claim you “hate” this argument when you’re presenting a bunch of straw men arguments to bolster your case. is this not the top comment? I guess it’s too rational and factual for the mouth breathers on Jalopnik.

Exactly. People are still holding out for that pee tape, too. Give it up. Not one of these monsters will get more than a slap on the wrist.

Two white men explaining Blackness. I love it.

It’s a public health crisis. Public. Your personal decisions have a direct effect on the lives of the people around you. Allowing them to couch this in abortion terms is ridiculous. An abortion has no direct impact on the public at large. It is none of their business. If you are running around filled to the brim with

If you don’t get it then I have to assume you are young. People of my age, who grew up on Star Wars but not necessarily on comic books, were presented with an insanely cool-looking character with gadgets. A mystery in a helmet. What was under that helmet. Why did one of the scariest characters in film (Vader) feel the

I think, like pretty much everyone else here, it’s just out of pure laziness and lack of empathy.