Stickler Meeseek

Is there anyone who’s actually excited for yet another AVC comment asserting that the man behind the highest-grossing movie ever and the runner-up is capable of nothing special? I mean, is there actually no other flavor of haterade? 

No. He may be kind of a blowhard, but he’s also made some amazing films. Also, none of his comments above are incorrect, really. Despite the article’s incessant snark, the fact is that in Aquaman, it just doesn’t look like they’re underwater. Characters don’t move right; they just look like they’re flying through the

I hope we get more of Fiona Dourif possessed by Chucky; she was delightful in that part.

I feel like the show’s point of view (as expressed by Diane) is explicitly that “irredeemable” is an empirically false concept, though. People aren’t definitively good or definitively bad - they just do good or bad things. Bojack did a really bad thing, for sure. But that doesn’t mean that he’s irredeemable; it just


Took me a moment to realise this wasn’t a complaint about the country.

I’m almost positive I heard the mouse whisper “Have you seen Stuart Little? Not all mice”

It did seem like her feelings towards David had changed right from the first episode though with her being upset at him having left her. She seemed really different than last season with no explanation. It was also weird how Melanie spent the whole season complaining that Oliver left her instead of being concerned

Gambit will make him go all in on a bad hand?

Cary will forever be referred to as Glasses McLabcoat by me.


I mean, I agree that it’s super depressing that the show went in this direction, but Legion isn’t Buffy, and it’s not The Flash. I think it’s a deeper and more psychologically interesting show.

It makes perfect sense that David used his powers to make Syd forget that she had stopped loving him, and that he slept

The whole film deals with family ties to the cult. The brother and father of Annie we’re both nearly sacrificed but died before being joined with Paimon which was relayed when she was in the support group the first time. They tried again with Peter.

Don’t you mean resting on her yannys?

Rogue One?
does calculations
but that would mean— gasp—

Tom Hardy seems like such a step down from That’s 70s Gopher, but whatever.

It’s just a trade name and a religious term, right? I can do that:

There’s a book called The Silence, by Tim Lebbon. Pretty much the exact same concept. So similar that when I first saw the trailer I assumed it was an adaptation, but apparently not...

It’s been done before in a book called The Silence by Tim Lebbon. Honestly, there are so many similarities that I wouldn’t be shocked to see some kind of legal proceedings forthcoming, especially because they’ve been working on an adaptation of The Silence.

Because without Michael Bay those Transformers movies are suddenly going to turn into something worthwhile?

Valerian is totally worth watching for the first five minutes. Legitimately one of my favorite things I’ve ever seen on film.