Stickler Meeseek

Jax’s power was that he got bigger robot arms than the monks gave him. 

I had to put down Black Leopard Red Wolf about halfway through. It felt like it was taking too long for anything to happen. Then again I don’t usually read fantasy. Anyone think I should give it another try?

I hope the next one isn’t a “legacy sequel” like Halloween and Ghostbusters. Just have him kill people in an interesting setting.

Sorry should have been clearer. I’m talking about the guy his father made him kill when he was younger.

With Shang-Chi, I thought it was an insane move not to show him killing the guy that is supposed to constitute his whole arc.

I was under the impression that Zendaya is Meechi

I would just like to gripe that the new Candyman was bad and incoherent. 

I thought Craig was great in this. He plays Bond like a changed man.

Is King’s Man the first R-rated movie on Disney Plus?

I guess technically this sounds more interesting than the last one. 

I don’t like that the Thanos they fight in End Game is fundamentally a different guy. It messes with the stakes for me.

Strokes is dance rock?

I wonder what bangers they’ll be rolling out for 1666.

The first one wasn’t great, but I do like this whole “3 movies in 3 weeks” thing. It’s fun!

Yup, and that those characters died at all also felt tonally inconsistent. 

Eh, seems like a big enough deal to me.

At that rate, Prime 4 in 2040-ish?

When people say new Switch, do they mean a whole new console or an upgrade? If it’s the latter, who the hell cares?

Maybe it’ll be a crossover with Zombieland?

First one’s still good, I watched it maybe 3 years ago. I guess it’s kind of proto-Apatow, with the riffing and the man-children?