Stickler Meeseek

I didn't like the Wi-Fi joke. Too smug. And I didn't like the movie.

He's a cameo from the movie Unbreakable, has nothing to do with the plot of the movie. I think the reviewer was implying that the similarity in names was a red herring leading you to believe that Casey was another of Kevin's personalities, which is a twist people predicted going in.

McAvoy spares the girl because he finds out she's been abused.

I liked Monster Squad when I saw it a few years ago. Definitely had some great lines.

Are you sure the president isn't that?

Feather Bra

That's when Logan comes out! It'll be a cool weekend.

I'm gonna finish the last quarter of that someday…

I know, but he still gets the bed, and the way she said it made it seem like he was a part of the crew. Plus they were watching a movie with him.

It's weird that JK Rowling had Michael Myers as a professor at Hogwarts.

She looks like the guy who played Cyclops last year.

It was sweet when Dee told Old Black Man that they'd seem him later that night. They're giving a homeless man a place to stay.

But we don't know why the white people were killed. And we would hear about it if whites were killed under the same circumstances as Rice, Garner. Even moreso if by a black cop.

Yeah I thought the movie sucked, moreso than any of the other ones.

The TMZ scene from Popstar.

Whenever I see his name, I mistake him for the guy from The Artist.

Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus

I like that though!

Huh, I like Miller High Life.

I do like the "anything goes" mentality of recent seasons though. They kind of stopped giving a shit, and most of the time that results in lazy jokes, but sometimes it results in some pretty bizarre, funny stuff.