Stickler Meeseek

The scene with Harry and Peter towards the end is so great though.

I love that he does voices in that movie.

I'm starting to think Tom Hardy just sounds like Bane.

Well they got a good song to go with the trailer.

Also the weed eating at the end.

This is a great movie. I remember it being creepy and really funny too. Also has a really great cast for the adults.

Oh good for Matthew Perry!

Yeah I saw this recently and thought it was fine, not great. Kind of dull in parts, but I remember the ending being pretty exciting.

Sure, but the latter is where my opinion of the movie is at now, genuinely.

I think the quality gap between this and Michael Bay's stuff is shrinking. The Avengers' characters keep it from sinking that low, but I would argue that's more from previous films than from this one.

Yeah the more time that passes since I've seen it the more I'm starting to think it was a piece of shit.

I'm not sure if Timesplitters 4* was cancelled or just never started in the first place, but I'd like to play Timesplitters 4.

Yeah but doesn't Marvel tend to steamroll directors with a distinct style/perspective?

Limitless is a little better than Lucy.

The Geico ads are hit and miss because they can really go in any directiom with them. A lot of the time I feel like they waste their potential.

I didn't think that was that funny the first time, then they beat it into the ground. A lot of the jokes felt like they were trying too hard. Like "nonce."

Yeah very confusing. But since American Crime Story is based on real events I guess it wouldn't make as much sense to keep the same actors.

I have good memories of Guitar Hero. I was reluctant to get it at first because I was also learning real guitar at the time, but then I played it at a friend's house and wanted it and got it. I don't play guitar now.

*Dad gets hit in the nuts with a wiffle ball bat*

I liked the living rom sketch. I guess I'm kind of a sucker for those weird twist endings that SNL sometimes does. And I thougt Witherspoon really sold the story about her husband being possessed.