Stickler Meeseek

I forgot about True Detective; I kind of feel like it won't be in this top 10.

Yeah it actually felt like a movie.

Wasn't Jamie Lee Curtis signed on to an almost identical-sounding project with ABC Family a while back?

I AM…a little burnt out on guardians of the galaxy stuff.

I'm gonna put this here as kind of a placeholder for someone who isn't too lazy to come up with a Wood fatigue joke.

That's the picture I was expecting; I didn't realize Hamill had portrayed this character before.

I watched Ghost World this weekend; that was good.

He's still one of my favorite comedians but I think I've definitely liked each special a little less than the last. The first one, Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening, was so great.

Seasons 2 and 3 are so so good though. I'm always excited when I catch a rerun from one of those on TV. And I think 4 is mostly pretty great too.

Isn't that still supposed to get downloadable content? Seemed pretty cool.

Thank you for this.

I still really like Mario.

I don't like Little Mac since he's so useless in the air; I use aerial attacks a lot. Also the one hit KO thing kind of pisses me off.

This may sound silly but even when I'm at home I love that I can just open the 3DS and start playing rather than booting up the system.

I always really wanted to know what the end of that was.

For a movie that's not really one of my favorites, I've seen Blade Runner so many times. Before seeing it all the way through I started it and didn't finish it with several different people so the early interrogation scene I've especially seen a lot. But then after I did finally see it I kept seeing it, I think for

Well C+ is the highest recommendation

Stretch was kinda cool. Only that though.

I wonder what's gonna happen with Ant-Man, seems like it's being downplayed, and nobody talked about it at that big announcement.

It's just easier and more reliable to put a DVD in than to hook up the computer.