
Hard disagreement here. CTE isn’t even detected until after death (not saying he doesn’t have it), and there are PLENTY of people with mental illness who don’t do these types of things.

Could it just be that he is a violent person and now doesn’t have the rigidity of football to (somewhat) keep him in check?


I never made that claim you fucking moron. I did, however, prove that Lamar had literally the best season for a running QB of all time.

Fuck off, dipshit.

Literally, by your own logic, Trent Dilfer is a better QB than these guys. You are stupid. 

Where ya ta, ya fuckin bitch!?!?

Or, how about we just go about whatever the hell we want in whatever way we want? Crazy concept, I know.

The entire concept of faith is a logical fallacy, bc I could believe ANYTHING based on faith. Faith is, after all, the belief in something with zero evidence to support it, so I’ll hard pass on faith or any other

She only did that bc he was going to get confirmed no matter what. Bitch McFuckface runs things and gave her permission to do that. 

Comically bad reply.

Donald Trump got elected bc a foreign government interfered in our elections, the Dems pushed Hillary on everyone no matter what and a comically stupid electorate that couldn’t handle having a Black man as a President.

I really feel like your reply is bordering on being a Trump apologist right

“Kap is a better passer than Jackson and his equal as a runner.”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Jackson LITERALLY just set the single-season record for rushing for a QB, so he LITERALLY has no equal, you dumbfuck.

Are you FINALLY ready to admit you are wrong, you dumbass motherfucker?

How many times did I try and tell you

The one making the claim needs to have the proof

“...refers to (he) as Dad” does not work lmao

I’m guessing they said that for the rampant homophobia and downright cringy sexism?

I also like how you say you are not defending religion, yet you are in various posts under this story.....*defending religion.*


The Bribri tribe in Costa Rica. There’s one. Where’s my cookie?

The problem with your thinking is that it is logical and, more to the point, morally sound.

You are arguing from a point of good faith, an ethos the Republicans absolutely condemn. In other words, fuck these traitors and I hope they all rot in fucking prison after they’re out of office. 

lmao, I’m not giving any validity to the idea that these cops aren’t crooked as fuck, but you literally just compared something that happened in REAL LIFE to something that happened on a fictional TV show. And you used it in the context of what could happen, again, in REAL LIFE.

Do we....not see the problem with this?

Where did I say that’s the only thing that matters? I was responding to your dumbass assertion that “Watson and Jackson can not be considered top QBs until they do what top QBs do - win playoff games.”

I know you are legendarily stupid, as this entire thread shows, but hopefully you’re not so stupid as to realize that

And Lamar Jackson is well on his way to an MVP and def has a great chance at making the Super Bowl his year. So what the fuck is your point?

Also, Marino’s playoff record is 8-10. Fucking pathetic, and he played all those years and never got a ring. Again, pathetic. Kind of like your logic. 

He is a fucking idiot that thinks WATER CURES CONCUSSIONS. He actively harms people and is a religious wingnut. 

“Jackson and Watson cannot be considered upper echelon QB’s until they do what top QB’s do, win playoff games.”

Dan Marino literally debunks your absolutely laughable logic here. 

lmao I just now saw this and pulling you out of the greys.

What a glorious comment