Sticky Couch

How we treat the incarcerated reflects on us, not them.

How we treat the incarcerated reflects on us, not them.

The fact that anyone still takes Cathy Brennan seriously shows how far we have left to go. This is a person who deliberately doxxes trans* teenagers purely to do them harm.

As an Oklahoman, I can assure you all that my fellow residents are working tirelessly at this very moment to tie this into a defense of gun owners’ rights.

She’s not a heartless, child-kicking racist. She’s a heartless, child-kicking, LITIGIOUS racist. Duh.

I’v fucking had it with these magazines and media oulets referring to black and latina women as “so and so’s baby mama” - it’s racist af! They don’t refer to Nichole Kidman as Tom’s Cruise’s “baby mama” or any white woman who has a child with any white man of any level of fame.

It’s like Ted could have used this catalog as Tinder for Psychos.

It wouldn’t surprise me if a chicken got to Australia before Europeans. Aboriginals did trade with Indonesians, after all.

Right? Chickenese actually has about the same claim to being Australia’s “native” language as English does. Which is to say: NONE AT ALL.

“ and not in Australia’s native English.”

The erasure of mothers, and in particular poorer mothers, is such an issue. It’s one of the ways the feminist movement makes it abundantly clear that the needs of upper-class white women are paramount, while everyone else needs to take a backseat.

Michelin Star dining 101: Chef’s tasting menus are for hipsters, you know what you want and how you want it better than some tattooed culinary school hero.

I liked it - an interesting insight into one specific culture’s beauty traditions, which seems like a really nice fit for a beauty blog.

Or maybe for if you have any interest in cultures outside your own?

Just to broaden your cultural knowledge.

Pierce Brosnan