Sticky Couch

Because the average reader doesn’t know about the Chinese wall between ad and editorial staff decisions. And will assume, wrongly, that Jezebel is being hypocritical by not running a pro-choice ad. And this will cause controversy that will (they hope) go viral and even spill over into the mainstream media, since the

The only one who cares about how much sex I’m not having is me.

Oh man, A+

I’ll call it now: you are annoying.

This is the best 500 days of Kristin yet

I’d say that. Because, yes, I’d like a response, but if the guy doesn’t like me and has to come up with an awkward turn down that makes us both embarrassed and anxious then I’d rather we both pretend I never said anything to begin with.

I feel like making the fart silent is something we (and when I say “we,” I mean women) teach ourselves sometime in elementary school so that the annoying kid who’s gonna point and laugh doesn’t point at us. I’m not sure it can be taught?

im ok with this

Maybe Jergens can do a matching scholarship.

This is my favorite of these so far. Thanks Andy & Jane!

Like I said in a different thread, this isn’t a joke. She’s setting a very dangerous precedent. What happens when a cop kills two gay men because that is what Leviticus tells him

So, here’s the thing. Aside from the fact that this conversation is wildly inappropriate for the workplace, these are people supposedly responsible for following evidence to its logical conclusion, for complex analytical situations, in addition to tactical street/traffic/ whatever stuff. The guy says, “my wife hated

Nothing is funnier than hearing men talk about something they know nothing about. “No, no bro, I swear, she had, like sextuple D’s!” Sure, bro. Sure.

I think the cherries may have evolved this mechanism to encourage the animals that eat the cherries not to chew up the seeds, since they need to pass through the gut whole, surrounded by some nice fertilizer. If the animal grinds the seed to bits it won’t germinate. Solution: add a bit of poison that is only harmful

I don’t know, Jon Cryer. I think Bob Odenkirk might really deserve this one. I also don’t think the Emmy’s have a history of acknowledging the last-chance award.

I love two things about this: