
Even while fucking up everything else, conservatives are still clinging to him because he's actually doing a surprisingly effective job on jamming through judicial appointments. If it weren't for that the mainstream GOP would have dumped him months ago.

Give the Secret Service Trump's golf cart and make Trump walk, he's somehow getting even more doughy since taking office.

No objection here.

He's drought and famine resistant for the apocalypse.

Damn it, I should have planned on having an eclipse baby. Oh well, April 8, 2024, here I come! I'll tell my wife to permanently clear her calendar in July 2023 and stock up on PBR, I'm sure she's down for this plan.

I know I'll be tuning in tonight for all of the fantastic eclipse related paranormal conspiracies.

They eat a lot of olives and hummus, which are objectively gross?

”You’re an intellectual dumbass who watches mainstream media,”

See, no it makes sense because in the first 2 minutes of the episode Tormund said he was cool with it. He speaks for every other character and the audience.

John Snow is a demonstrated moron, so that didn't seem that out of place.

Him "betraying" Dany has no real value from a narrative standpoint other than piling on more unnecessary conflict with 8 episodes to go. Siding with John makes no damn sense since him Dany are eventually going to be coupled together by marriage. And running back to Cersei at this point is a suicide mission since

In another letter, Lee wrote “You will never prosper with blacks, and it is abhorrent to a reflecting mind to be supporting and cherishing those who are plotting and working for your injury, and all of whose sympathies and associations are antagonistic to yours. I wish them no evil in the world—on the contrary, will

They can take their black liquorice Dots and stuff it.

Steve King represents a Union state who lost thousands of soldiers in the Civil War yet has a confederate flag on his desk.

Is that not what the Han Solo movie is going to be about? Or if that fails, the Fett movie?

Listen, maybe you don't think we needed the background story of how nameless grunt #5 from Jabba's lair in RotJ came to be in Jabba's service, but I'm glad somebody has finally responded to my 25 year letter writing campaign to resolve this ambiguity.

Hey now, RoTS is a perfectly acceptable movie, and that 15 minute period from when Yoda confronts the Emperor until Anakin decides to barf out his "FROM MY POINT OF VIEW, THE JEDI ARE EVIL!" lava surfing speech might be my favorite stretch of any Star Wars movie. It certainly has the best music.

Fine, we'll focus on the other Hutt seen in the Phantom Menace pod race intro. I'm sure there's a 200,000 word entry about the thing on Wookiepedia.

It's going to consist of a 90 minute dance routine by the CGI alien dancer from the Special Edition of RotJ with Jabba jamming out in the background shoving popcorn chicken down his gullet.

Ewwwww, I don't want any ovaries close to my superhero sausage fest.