
They are for a "gender reveal" that my wife and I are going to give to my inlaws when we announce the gender of our next kid. They are filled with either pink or blue frosting.

I just dropped twenty bucks on a half dozen designer gourmet cupcakes.


Well you must not have had the one with gold flakes and caviar blended in the patty, you plebe.

They are going to sell 5 million gallons of Dasani labeled as white wine before anybody notices they're drinking municipal water bottled in Texas.

John Kelly's going to resign and probably petition all of the other generals within the Trump administration to do the same if Bannon isn't canned for this fiasco.

My guess is that he's trying to prime up a book deal the second after Trump fires his ass. Either that or he knows the Trump presidency is about to go down in flames and he's trying to re-position himself as the alpha of his alt-right goons after they become leaderless without Trump.

Yeah, he knows he's getting his butt canned. No way this wasn't Bannon deliberately burning down every wooden structure within 1000 miles of DC before the inevitable tweetstorm of Trump firing him. Hopefully he takes his white nationalist dipshits with him and Trump's approval goes down below the 20% mark.

Thanks for clarifying you found the commentary track on youtube. I'd have to question the sanity of anybody who forked over money for that shitstain of a season.

Christ, it's like the universe is double daring Parker and Stone to keep their mouths shut when South Park premieres in a few weeks after their frequent proclamations they weren't touching Trump this season.

Is getting your guts ripped out by wights really better than burning?

I can't wait to hear our President tweet about how the stars Campbells uses in Chicken and Stars soup are substandard and a national embarrassment.

Apparently savagely attacking each individual CEO who pulled out with threats of bankrupting their business by abusing the tax code isn't putting pressure on them.

I didn't watch it but I read the spoilers thread.

John's resting pouty face is distinctive enough to identify him even if he's wearing a ski mask.

Distinctive facial scars/disfigurements for all!

The amount of grease in John Snow's hair is probably a better insulator than an actual hat.

Tim was actually just reading the script for Toy Story 4, which is going to consist of transcripts from the Scopes Monkey Trial mixed with stock WWII propaganda weapons production footage.

Do you think these people are aware that the Eastern front was by far the most deadly theater in WWII? They probably think we were fighting Stalin and Hitler at the same time and single handily won the war because of D-Day.

That clip is fantastic. I like how CNN let that drag on for two minutes, and then the host started lecturing about the need of having a real conversation after letting that shouting match to continue for about 1:45 longer than it needed to.