
Correct, she thanked him AFTER he backtracked on his Saturday "all sides" bullshit. There was no "praise" (at least that I can find, there was a brief thank you for him calling out white supremacists), and I'm sure that thank you from yesterday was kind of predicated on the fact he backtracked on his prior stupidity,

John Kelly should have made it a guaranteed right in his employment agreement that he has free control to slap or tackle the president the second he starts acting like an idiot.

You don't want to see what happens when you try to drink a caffeinated drink at BYU. I worked with a reporter who covered a basketball game at their university, and they actually removed Diet Coke from the press cooler. Damn Mormons.

John Kasich is probably running around high fiving people since he's about to get the call from the GOP establishment to take this idiot out. Mittens also sits patiently sipping his diet caffeine free coke awaiting further instructions.

It is rather remarkable that Trump's top adviser is one of the primary influences of these fuckwits and Trump can't even grasp their existence or self-used terminology.

I don't know, Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayers and their cohort of counter culture protesters from 50 years ago still a menace to society to at least the extent of the Nazis that murdered somebody over the weekend.

"Hey guys, it's cool. The mother of the woman that died because of my fuckwit supporters is totally good with me not immediately denouncing the Nazis that murdered her."

"Speaking of, he then claimed that Heyer’s mother had praised him on Twitter, because everything has to be about how great he is. (He later admitted that he has not actually spoken to Heyer’s family.)"

Yep, he missed the next game. Which somewhat makes up for the fact that in that same game that Shaw went crazy, Crawford attacked a Blues player by the boards after the whistle and the Blackhawks somehow got a power play out of it. How the hell Crawford doesn't get an instigator penalty while at the same time the

I guess my ones made out of solid gold are out then.

If he really wanted to get the most slurs and tantrum for his money, he should have consulted with Andrew Shaw. You might know him as the guy who got busted for screaming homophobic slurs at the linesman on the way to the penalty box, and followed that up with being removed from the ice entirely once he busted out the

How do you feel about rubber testicles dangling from car trailer hitches?

You've got 15 minutes to reword this comment before Chris Hansen's swat team busts down your door.

I can only hope the radio edit of this song is as glorious as Move Bitch by Ludacris, or any song from the Ying Yang Twins circa 2003.

Republicans spend 95% of their waking hours bitching about the media and Hollywood liberal conspiracy against them, so best of luck getting them to watch this unless you provide a free digital copy of the first season with every gun sale or NRA newsletter. Actually no, scratch that, older Republicans probably don't

I'm not going to defend his political views (my comment was primarily focused on him being a genuinely nice guy when not in character), but I will note that's one of the more reluctant "endorsements" of Trump I've seen.

I hope you smacked the potatoes au gratin and asparagus right out of his hands.

Mark Zuckerberg had a tendency of wearing pajama pants and t-shirts to work while making presentations, so he's got to be up there. If he puts a hoodie on it's like formal wear.

He's one of the nicest and most charitable people in show business. All the detractors over his persona can fuck right off, he's not forcing anybody to watch his movies or attend his shows and he puts his money to use helping people.

Hell yeah, if only you could get a plate which mixes those with the avocado egg rolls from Cheesecake Factory.