
I'd buy into this if they didn't force that stupid fight between Arya and Sansa in the last episode. The existence of that scene makes me believe that Arya really is skeptical of Sansa's motives and the content of this specific scroll is relevant to what happens next.

It's odd how mayor Carcetti keeps on popping up in Westeros.

This show is quickly adopted late season Dexter levels of selective memory and realism only when the plot calls for it. If they wanted Arya to use a face they would have had her use it regardless of the consequences of her doing so.

Didn't Arya's last glimpse of Sansa before this season involve her being a distressed captive of the Lannisters?

Good luck with that, the finale permanently alienated and pissed off 90% of the prior audience, who are kind of a necessity for launching a financially viable spinoff.

Breitbart's almost at that state. They occasionally branch out to troll other sites but always come back for the self-congratulatory circle jerk.

I think you are omitting the good chunk of people living off fraudulent SS disability claims while bitching about the nanny state and self-reliance.

What the hell is up with the baseball helmet? Are traditional motorcycle helmets too expensive for these guys? Although it would certainly explain why he also couldn't afford a shirt.

True, but it's a hell of a lot closer to SCOTUS's recent opinions on the matter than their interpretation of the 1st Amendment.

Because they don't understand any aspect of the Bill of Rights beyond the 2nd Amendment?

He quoted the same statement word for word. He literally said "we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of bigotry, hated, and violence," both Saturday and today. He is not lying about having said that statement.

Yeah, he's a liar, but I'm not sure I can get on board with just assuming he's lying about something which can be easily fact checked in about 30 seconds. Trump doesn't believe in the truth that but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be held to a higher standard ourselves.

Yeah, there are about 80 bajillion reasons to mock this idiot. But this is probably the only thing that came out of his mouth the last 48 hours which is technically true.

Maybe, but that's a fairly twisted way of reading that. By placing it after the "As I said on Saturday", the implication would be that Trump didn't say this. The parenthetical is mocking the factual statement that he said something, not the substance of what he said. Had it been the other way you'd probably place it

It's literally the same description in each. The phrase "we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of bigotry, hated, and violence" is word-for-word.

“As I said on Saturday” (lol okay) ”we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of bigotry, hated, and violence. It has no place in America.”

Wasn't he already pardoned, the existence of which caused Dany to realize he was spying on her?

That boat that John pushed off the shore with is not how they were getting to Eastwatch. They had a much larger boat anchored off-shore which I'm sure was packed with the stuff.

Right, but the Vale lords like her. They don't like Littlefinger. Even if she lies they would believe it.

Why the hell doesn't Sansa just admit that Littlefinger killed Lysa and then coerced her into covering for him?