
Dickon was an unbelievable idiot. Unless he was just emotionally broken by one battle (which he might have been, as hinted in his conversation with Jaime last week), his sacrifice might be the most pointless in the show's history.

Is Davos really plotting for another king? I just got the general impression he was looking for a blacksmith not loyal to the crown to work the shit ton of dragonglass they were hauling back north.

I'd put every dollar available down on Jorah biting it.

Don't worry, he'll be back making obscene gestures with his tongue next week.

See, her training about patience…. Wait, no that's not it. Well, maybe her prior reflection about her bratty self… well, no that doesn't fit.

How the hell did they not force Theon to carry the camping gear for team badass?

Standing on deck, Daario!

Girl cooties attract walkers.

I'd love to hear exactly what part of the scroll read by the Maester Council of Obstacles wasn't pretty damn clear on what it was specifically saying. But sure, go nuts with that clarification Winterfell!

Everything is shaping up to Jorah biting it north of the wall. Dany embracing him again, Tyrion's speech about the coin, his decision to volunteer on a likely suicide mission. There was a whole lot of Mormont Sr. talk this episode with a bunch of silent reflection by Jorah. His death redeems his prior bad acts plus

She's lying. She didn't bring it up until Jaime hinted it might be best to surrender and then followed that up with a talk with Tyrion. Without the baby Jaime was pretty damn close to walking away.

I'm sure they loaded up the ship that was docked off shore with it.

Jorah's gone. He got the coin from Tyrion and a long and a drawn out farewell from Dany on good terms. Plus he'll die north of the wall like his father in some great redemption self-sacrifice for the betterment of the world. I'm most confident he's not going to be coming back through those gates.

Alright, so who's dying before they make it back?

Anybody else not buying Cersei's pregnancy? Seems like a standard move by her to ensure Jaime's continued loyalty.

Bring back Mittens!

I like how the first dozen or so comments on that story have been deleted. Breitbart must have linked to it.

Yeah, having a kid who is obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, he's just as incoherent in that show as he is here. I think he might actually be worse in Clubhouse because all of the other characters talk in a slow and deliberate manner given the intended audience, and the Donald comes busting in spitting on

I haven't seen Democrats this mad since Lincoln took away their slaves! Har de har har.